TM 1-1520-240-104-3-8 (3)Hoist master switch on the cockpit overheadpanel — REMOTE.(4)Winch/hoist control grip — Plugged into thereceptacle on the hoist control panel, right side sta 320.(5)Winch arming switch on the winch/hoist con-trol grip — Depress.(6)Winch cable switch on the winch/hoist con-trol grip — OUT, OFF, or IN as required to control direc-tion and speed of the winch cable.e.Rigging and operating procedures for use of thewinch in thecargo mode are as follows:(1)Using the hoist control switch on the cockpitoverhead panel or on the winch/hoist control grip — reelout the winch cable as required for rigging. As the cableis being reeled out, a crewman should maintain tensionon the cable to avoid snarling and kinking. After the cableis extended, the usable cable length will be checked toensure that the cable is free of any broken strands ordefinite bends that may reduce the cable capability.CAUTIONDo not exceed 3,000 pounds single linepull. Overload will result in the winch over-load switch actuating to stop the winch.(2)Remove the pulley from the pulley blocks byremoving the quick-release pins. Reeve the cablethrough pulley as required to provide the required pulland angle of entry (fig. 4-3-9 Sheet 1 of 2) for riggingconfigurations for various loads. Install the pulley blocksand secure them with the quick-release pins.WARNINGThe cable quick-disconnect cover guardmust be installed during all cargo opera-tions. Otherwise, the hook assembly canbe inadvertently disconnected from thewinch cable which can result in seriousinjury to personnel.(3)Attach the winch cable to the cable hookassembly by depressing the lock rings on each end of thequick-disconnect device, inserting the ball ends of thewinch and hook assembly cables into the quick-discon-nect device and releasing the lock rings. Install the quick-disconnect cover guard.(4)Attach the winch cable to the load.WARNINGPersonnel not required for the winchingoperation must remain well clear of thewinch cable to prevent possible injuryshould the cable break.CAUTIONSlack must removed from the cable trainbefore applying the full load to the winchsystem to prevent shock and overload ofthe system.(5)Reel the cable in slowly until all the slack inthe cable is removed. Then winch the load into the cargocompartment to the desired position.WARNINGChock vehicles and wheeled cargo beforedisengaging cable hook. Injuries to per-sonnel can result from uncontrolled roll-ing of the load.(6)Reel out the cable slowly to provide slack inthe cable. The hook can either be left attached to the loador disconnected. If the hook is disconnected, it should beattached to a tiedown fitting to prevent in-flight vibrationsdamage to the cargo floor.f.Rigging and operating procedures for use of thewinch in the rescue mode as follows:NOTEThe cargo hook assembly must be removedfrom the rescue hatch.(1)Using the hoist control switch on either thecockpit overhead panel or on the winch/hoist control grip,reel out the winch cable as required for rigging. As thecable is being reeled out, a crewman should maintaintension on the cable to avoid snarling and kinking. Afterthe cable is extended, the usable cable length will bechecked to ensure that the cable is free of broken strandsor definite bends that may reduce the cable capability.
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