TM 1-1520-240-104-3-7Figure 4-3-7. Winch/Hoist Control GripFigure 4-3-8. Hoist Operators Panel (Station 320)4-3-3. Winch Operation.With hydraulic and electrical power available, the winchcan be operated from the cockpit or from the cargocompartment, in either the cargo mode (for winching car-go into the cargo compartment via the ramp) or in therescue mode (for rescue or hoisting small cargo throughthe rescue hatch).a.Control settings and electrical connections foroperating the winch in the cargo mode from the cockpitare as follows:(1)Cable speed selector lever on the winch —CARGO.(2)Cable cutter arming device (or adaptercable, pig-tail) — Plugged into the auxiliary control panel,in the heater compartment at sta 95.(3)Hoist master switch on the cockpit overheadpanel — PLT.(4)Hoist control switch on the cockpit overheadpanel — OUT, OFF, or IN as required to control directionand speed of cable.b.Control settings and electrical connections foroperating the winch in the cargo mode from the cargocompartment are as follows.(1)Cable speed selector lever on the winch —CARGO.(2)Cable cutter arming device (or adaptercable, pig-tail) — Plugged into the auxiliary control panel,in the heater compartment at sta 95.(3)Hoist master switch on the cockpit overheadpanel — REMOTE.(4)Winch/hoist control grip — Plugged into ei-ther the auxiliary control panel in the heater compart-ment, sta 95, the hoist control panel, right side sta 320,or the receptacle, left side sta 502.(5)Winch arming switch on the winch/hoist con-trol grip — Depress.(6)Winch cable switch on the winch/hoist con-trol grip — OUT, OFF, or IN as required to control direc-tion and speed of the winch cable.c.Control settings and electrical connections foroperating the winch in the rescue mode from the cockpitare as follows:(1)Cable speed selector lever on the winch —RESCUE.(2)Cable cutter arming device — Plugged intothe overhead receptacle above the rescue hatch.(3)Hoist master switch on the cockpit overheadpanel — PLT.(4)Hoist cable switch on the cockpit overheadpanel — OUT, OFF, or IN as required to control the direc-tion and speed of the winch cable.d.Control settings and electrical connections foroperating the winch in the rescue mode from the cargocompartment are as follows:(1)Cable speed selector lever on the winch —RESCUE.(2)Cable cutter arming device — Plugged intothe overhead receptacle above the rescue hatch.
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