TM 1-1520-240-104-3-2 (3)Cable cutter switch. A cable cutter switch ison the left side of the hoist control panel. The guardedswitch (labeled CABLE CUT) has positions marked ONand OFF. When the switch is at ON, electrical power fromthe 28-volt No. 1 DC bus, through the CABLE CUTTERcircuit breaker, detonates a ballistic cartridge in the cablecutter which cuts the cable. When the switch is at OFF,the cable cutter circuit is deenergized.b.Winch control switches (fig. 4-3-7). A portablepistol-shaped control grip contains a built-in microphoneswitch and a number of other switches used in hoisting,winching, and cargo hook operations. A receptacle forplugging in the extension cord is in the butt end of thegrip. A hook extending from the side of the grip is usedto hang the grip in its stowed position on the hoist controlpanel. The switches contained in the grip are as follows:(1)Winch arming switch. The winch is armedfor use by a trigger-type, spring-loaded switch. When theswitch is pressed, a circuit closes, arming the controlcircuits of the winch hydraulic motor. When the switch isreleased, the circuit opens, rendering the winch inoper-ableNOTEThe winch arming switch must be pressed tooperate the winch.(2)Winch cable switch. Winch cable reeling iscontrolled by a rotary switch on the left side if the controlgrip. Action markings around the switch are IN, OFF, andOUT. The switch is spring-loaded to center OFF position.When the switch is moved to IN or OUT, a selector valvein the winch hydraulic system is electrically actuated,providing hydraulic pressure to turn the cable drum. Thespeed of the cable is proportional to cable switch move-ment in either direction.(3)Cable cutter switch. A push button switch onthe upper shoulder of the control grip actuates the cablecutter. A metal guard marked CABLE CUTTER preventsaccidental closing of the switch. When pressed, theswitch closes a circuit, providing electrical current to firea ballistic cartridge in the cable cutter. The firing propelsa cutter which cuts the cable.(4)A cargo hook release switch.(5)Microphone switch.CAUTIONWhen using the microphone switch on thehoist control grip, be careful not to pressthe cargo hook switch.
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