TM 1-1520-240-104-3-1SECTION III. CARGO HANDLING SYSTEMS4-3-1. Winch/Hoist System.A 3,000-pound-capacity hydraulically operated winch(fig. 4-3-1) is mounted on the floor in the right forwardcabin at sta 120. Hydraulic power to operate the winch issupplied by the utility hydraulic system. The winch (fig.4-3-2) has 150 feet of usable 1/4 inch cable. It is capableof winching up to 12,000 pounds of cargo with the aid ofpulley blocks. When used in hoisting mode (fig. 4-3-9),the load is limited to 600 pounds. The winch has twomaximum reeling speeds: one for cargo loading (20 fpm)and one for hoisting (100 fpm). When the winch is usedfor cargo loading, a selector control lever on the cabledrum housing is moved to CARGO. When the winch isused for hoisting the selector control lever is moved toRESCUE. A mechanical braking devise automaticallylocks the cable drum when power is off, preventing lossof load control through cable payout. If the winch cableload exceeds 3,200 pounds, an overload switch will au-tomatically stop the winch. The free end of the winchcable is equipped with a metal ball which locks into oneend of the quick-disconnect devise that is used to attachhooks to the cable. Both ends of the cable are painted redfor 20 feet to alert the operator that the cable end isapproaching. In CARGO mode, the winch will automati-cally stop when the cable is reeled out 150 feet, and at3 feet when the cable is reeled in. In RESCUE mode, thewinch will stop when the cable is reeled out 150 feet andat 28.5 feet when the cable is reeled in.4-3-2. Winch Controls.The winch can be controlled from the cockpit by switcheson the overhead switch panel (fig. 4-3-3) or from thecargo compartment by switches on the winch/hoist con-trol grip. The switches in the cockpit override theswitches on the control grip, enabling the pilot to assumecontrol of the hoisting operations in an emergency. Whenoperating from the cargo compartment, the winch-hoistcontrol grip can be plugged into a receptacle on the auxil-iary control panel (fig. 4-3-4) at sta 95, the hoist operatorspanel at sta 320 (fig. 4-3-8), or the receptacle at sta 502(fig. 4-3-5) by an extension cord. The winch can also bemanually operated from the cabin. These controls are foremergency use only. The controls are mounted on thestructure in the heater compartment. Instructions formanual operation of the winch are on the structure abovethe control valves and instructions in this section. Electri-cal power to operate and control the winch is supplied bythe 28-volt No. 1 DC bus through two circuit breakers onthe No. 1 PDP. These two circuit breakers are markedHOIST CABLE CUTTER and HOIST CONT.NOTEThe cable cutter arming devise must beplugged into the receptacle on the auxiliarycontrol panel at sta 95 (fig. 4-3-4) and thecable speed selector lever must be at CAR-GO to complete the winch control circuit forcargo operations. The cable cutter arming de-vise must be plugged into the receptacle onthe overhead above the utility hatch (fig.4-3-6) and the cable speed selector levermust be at RESCUE to complete the hoistcontrol circuit for hoisting operations.a.Winch control switched (overhead switch pan-el).(1)Hoist master switch. A toggle hoist masterswitch is on the hoist control panel (fig. 4-3-3). The switch(labeled HOIST MSTR) has positions marked REMOTE,OFF, and PLT. When the switch is at REMOTE, electricalpower from the 28-volt No. 1 DC bus, through the HOISTCONT circuit breaker, energizes the winch arming switchon the winch/hoist control grip. Once this switch ispressed, the winch cable switch, also on the grip, is ener-gized, allowing the winch reeling speed to be controlledat the hoist operator’s station. When the master switch isat PLT, electrical power energizes the hoist control switchon the overhead switch panel, which gives the pilot con-trol of the hoisting system. When the switch is at OFF,power is removed from the hoist control switches at bothstations.(2)Hoist control switch. A spring-loaded, rheo-stat-type switch is provided for hoist control and is on thehoist control panel. The switch (labeled HOIST) has posi-tions marked OFF, IN, and OUT. When the hoist masterswitch is at PLT, electrical power, from the 28-volt No. 1DC bus through the HOIST CONT circuit breaker, ener-gizes the hoist control switch. Then the switch is movedto IN or OUT, the hoist brake release solenoid valve isenergized open. The open valve applies hydraulic pres-sure through the hoist control valve to the winch to turnthe cable drum in the appropriate direction. The speed ofthe cable is proportional to hoist control switch move-ment. When the switch is released, the switch assumesthe center OFF position. In addition, the brake releasesolenoid valve is deenergized closed, which removeshydraulic pressure to brake the cable drum.
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