TM 1-1520-240-106-6-14 6-6-21. Winch.Refer to Chapter 4, Section III.6-6-22. Cargo Door and Ramp.The cargo door and ramp has an upper section, or cargodoor, and lower section, or ramp. The door retracts intothe ramp when the ramp is being lowered and extendswhen the ramp is being raised. Retraction or extensionof the door can be isolated through the ramp sequencevalve so the ramp can be raised or lowered with the doorretracted into the ramp or extended. The door is an inte-gral part of the ramp and only provides closure; therefore,references made to the ramp will be understood to in-clude the door and its related movements. The cargodoor is jettisonable to provide an emergency exit. Thecargo door and ramp is located at the aft end of the cargocompartment and is used for troop and cargo loading andunloading. In closed position, it conforms to the side con-tours of the fuselage (fig. 6-6-7). Internal locks in theramp actuating cylinders prevent accidental opening andconstitute the only locking mechanism for keeping theramp closed. The ramp is hinged to the fuselage andopens rearward and downward to rest on the ground.When lowered to ground rest, the ramp inclines down-ward approximately 6.75_ and maintains a uniform78-inch overhead clearance, (if HICHS is not installed),of the cargo compartment. A continuous hinge runs theentire width of the aft upper edge of the ramp and holdsthe three auxiliary loading ramps. The auxiliary rampsunfold to bridge the gap between the ramp and theground for vehicle loading and unloading. they can beadjusted laterally to accommodate various vehiclethread widths. Hydraulic power to operate the ramp issupplied through the utility hydraulic system.6-6-23. RAMP CONTROL Valve.Lowering and raising the ramp is controlled by a RAMPCONTROL valve on the right side of the aft cargocompartment between the floor and the overhead at sta490 (fig. 6-6-8). The RAMP CONTROL valve is operatedeither electrically or manually. Electrical operation is per-formed by setting the RAMP PWR switch to EMERG, andusing the RAMP EMER control switch on the cockpitoverhead HYD control panel (Chapter 2, Section VI).Manual operation is accomplished by setting the RAMPPWR switch to ON, and using a three-position levermounted on the RAMP CONTROL valve. the lever posi-tions are labeled UP, STOP, and DN (down). The controllever can be reached from the outside through a hingedpanel on the aft fuselage.Figure 6-6-7. Cargo Door and Ramp
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