TM 1-1520-240-106-6-18 6-6-35. Cargo Weight.Package weight of individual items of cargo should be legiblystenciled on an exterior surface. If not provided, the weightmust be determined in order to plan cargo placement, tocalculate contact pressure, and too compute helicopterweight and balance. The same rule applies to palletizedcargo and vehicle loads.6-6-36. Cargo Center of Gravity.The center of gravity (C.G.) of each item of cargo must bedetermined in order to compute weight and balance by thestation method. As a rule, those items of cargo crated fortransport will be marked with a C.G. If the C. G. is notmarked, it can be determined by methods provided in TM10-450-10.6-6-37. Vehicle Load. The same general rules that are observed in cargo loadingapply to vehicle loading. In addition, the fuel tank caps,radiator caps and battery filler caps should be checked andsecured. Fuel tanks should be checked to see that they arenot filled above three-quarters capacity. Air trapped in a fueltank will expand at altitude and force fuel out through the fillerneck, creating a fire hazard. If fuel tanks are filled to capacity,some fuel must be drained off before the vehicle is loaded.Also, check tire pressures and if necessary, deflate tires toprescribed limits.6-6-38. Hazardous Cargo.Items of cargo possessing dangerous physical proper-ties, such as explosives, acids, flammables. etc., must behandled with extreme caution and in accordance withestablished regulations and TM 38-250.6-6-39. General Instructions for Loading, Securing,and Unloading Cargo.There are three prime factors to be considered in proper-ly loading the helicopter. These factors are weight, bal-ance, and restraint. The weight of the cargo to be loadedmust remain within safe operating limits, and the cargomust be restrained from shifting during takeoff, flight, andlanding. Refer to TM 10-450-10 to determine or computeloading, shoring and restraint criteria.6-6-40. Weight and Balance.Refer to TM 55-1500-342-23 and figure 6-7-1 to computehelicopter GW/CG and complete Form F.6-6-41. Restraint.Items of cargo within the helicopter are subject to thesame forces which affect the helicopter in flight. Theseforces will cause the cargo to shift unless the cargo isrestrained. To maintain helicopter balance and preventinjury to personnel, cargo must be restrained from shift-ing.
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