TM 1-1520-240-106-6-17d. Ramp control lever — DN, allowingramp to lower to a position of groundrest, then STOP. If the ramp is to beadjusted to a level other than groundrest, or fully closed, with the cargo doorin the retracted position, perform thefollowing:(1) Sequence valve plunger — Pressand hold.(2) Sequence valve plunger retainerpin — Rotate to the horizontal posi-tion to lock the plunger in.2. Raise the ramp as follows:a. Sequence valve plunger — Check, re-leased if ramp and cargo door are to beclosed.NOTEPerform step b. only if accumulator pressureis used to raise the ramp.b. EMERG UTIL PRESS valve — Open.c. Ramp control valve lever — UP, allow-ing ramp to close. If accumulator pres-sure is not sufficient to raise the ramp,operate the hand pump.d. Ramp control lever — STOP.6-6-30. In Flight Operation.CAUTIONDo not attempt to manually operate thecargo door when the utility hydraulic sys-tem is pressurized. Motor damage can re-sult.The ramp can be operated up to Vne. At speeds up to 60knots, the ramp will open normally. At speeds above 60knots. air pressure from within the cargo compartment isrequired. To get this pressure, the vent blower can beturned on or the upper section of the cabin door can beopened.6-6-31. Ramp Emergency Control.WARNINGThe RAMP EMER control switch is in-tended for emergency use only duringsmoke and fume elimination procedures.Inadvertent operation of the cargo rampand cargo door from the cockpit may re-sult in injury to personnel or damage toequipment.1. Open the ramp as follows:a. RAMP PWR switch — EMERG.NOTEMomentary selection of the RAMP EMERGcontrol switch to the DN position will result inapproximately 5 seconds of the ramp and car-go door opening operation sequence. Theopening sequence of the ramp can be haltedduring the 5 second cycle by momentarilyplacing the RAMP EMER control switch to theUP position. Continuous lowering of the ramp(longer than 5 seconds) can be achieved byholding the RAMP EMER switch in the DNposition until the desired ramp position is at-tainedb. RAMP EMERG control switch — DN mo-mentarily then back to HOLD. The rampdownward cycle can be halted by mo-mentarily setting the RAMP EMER con-trol switch to UP.c. Repeat step b. if necessary, until desiredramp position is achieved, or hold theswitch in the DN position until the rampreaches the desired portion.2. Close the ramp as follows:a. RAMP PWR Switch — EMERG.b. RAMP EMER control switch — UP untildoor is closed, then back to HOLD.6-6-32. Manual Operation — Cargo Door.CAUTIONThe ramp must be at or above floor levelduring takeoffs and landings.CAUTIONDo not attempt to manually operate thecargo door when the utility hydraulic sys-tem is pressurized. Motor damage can re-sult.Should the need arise to retract or extend the cargo doorsection of the ramp manually, insert the handcrank as shownin figure 6-6-11. Crank clockwise to retract. Crank counterclockwise to extend.6-6-33. Preparation of General Cargo.Before loading cargo, it is advisable to inspect items of cargowith regard to dimensions, weight, contact pressure, centerof gravity, and hazards. This data will be helpful in determin-ing the placement of the load in the helicopter and in com-puting weight and balance. Refer to TM 10-450-2.6-6-34. Cargo Dimensions.Any item of cargo which appears to have critical dimensionsfor loading into the helicopter should be measured andchecked against door and compartment dimension limita-tions.
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