TM 1-1520-240-10
2-2-8. TROOP WARN Panel
The TROOP WARN (warning) panel is located on the
overhead switch panel (fig. 2-2-2). It has two troop jump
lights labeled RED and GREEN. Also, two switches la-
beled JUMP LT and ALARM. Power to operate and con-
trol the emergency troop alarm and jump lights is sup-
plied by the DC essential bus through the TROOP
breakers on the No. 2 PDP.
Troop jump lights. The troop jump lights provides
the pilots a visual indication of the troop jump light selec-
ted. One light is provided for each color selection and
comes on when the respective light is selected. The
brightness of the lights is controlled by the PLT INST
rotary control switch on the PLT LTG panel of the over-
head switch panel.
JUMP LT switch. The three-position JUMP LT
switch is labeled GREEN, OFF, and RED. When the
switch is set to GREEN, the green lights on the emergen-
cy troop and jump light box, at both stations, and the
troop jump lights on the overhead switch panel come on.
When the switch is set to RED, the red lights come on.
OFF position turns off both sets of lights.
ALARM switch. The two-position ALARM switch
is labeled OFF and ON. Moving the ALARM switch to ON
rings the bell continuously at both stations until the switch
is moved to OFF.
Figure 2-2-2. Troop Warning Panel (Typical)
2-2-9. First Aid Kits.
Seven aeronautic first aid kits are installed in the helicop-
ter. One kit is in the passageway between the cockpit and
cabin. The other six kits are in the cabin fuselage section,
three on each side.
2-2-10. Emergency Entrances and Exits.
Refer to Chapter 9 for information on emergency en-
trances and exits.
2-2-11. Emergency Escape Axe.
An emergency escape axe is provided. It is located on
the right side of the cargo compartment slightly forward
of station 200.