TM 1-1520-240-10
8-2-1. Operating Procedures And Maneuvers.
This section deals with normal procedures and includes
all steps necessary to ensure safe and efficient operation
of the helicopter from the time a preflight begins until the
flight is completed and the helicopter is parked and secu-
red. Unique feel, characteristics, and reaction of the heli-
copter during various phases of operation and the tech-
niques and procedures used for hovering, takeoff, climb,
etc., are described, including precautions to be obser-
ved. Your flying experience is recognized; therefore, ba-
sic flight principles are avoided. Only the duties of the
minimum crew necessary for the actual operation of the
helicopter are included.
8-2-2. Mission Equipment Checks.
Mission equipment checks are contained in Chapter 4,
MISSION EQUIPMENT. Descriptions of functions, opera-
tions, and effects of controls are covered in Section III,
FLIGHT CHARACTERISTICS, and are repeated in this
section only when required for emphasis. Checks that
must be performed under adverse environmental condi-
tions, such as desert and cold weather operations, sup-
plement normal procedures checks in this section and are
8-2-3. Symbols Definitions.
The checklist includes items that may be checked by the
flight engineer and that may or may not be installed. These
items are annotated immediately preceding the check to
which they are pertinent: F for flight engineer, and O to
indicate a requirement if the equipment is installed. The
symbol L indicates that a detailed procedure for the step
is located in the detailed procedures section of the con-
densed checklist. When a helicopter is flown on a mission
requiring intermediate stops, it is not necessary to perform
all of the normal checks. The steps that are essential for
safe helicopter operations on intermediate stops are des-
ignated as through flight checks. An asterisk* indi-
cates that performance of steps is mandatory for all
through-flights when there has been no change in pi-
lot-in-command. The asterisk applies only to checks per-
formed prior to takeoff. Duties performed by individual in
copilot station are indicated by a circle around the step
number, i.e.,Ã. Step numbers with no circles around them
may be performed by the aviator in either pilot or copilots
8-2-4. Checklist.
Normal procedures are given primarily in checklist form
and amplified as necessary in accompanying paragraph
form when a detailed description of a procedure or ma-
neuver is required. A condensed version of the amplified
checklist, omitting all explanatory text, is contained in the
8-2-5. Preflight Check.
The pilots walk-around and interior checks are outlined
in the following procedures. The preflight check is not
intended to be a detailed mechanical inspection. The
steps that are essential for safe helicopter operation are
included. The preflight may be made as comprehensive
as conditions warrant at the discretion of the pilot.
8-2-6. Before Exterior Check.
* 1. PublicationsCheck DA Forms 2408-12,
-13-1, -14, -18, DD Form 365-4, and DD
Form 1896, locally required forms and pub-
lications, and availability of operators
manual (-10), and checklist (-CL).
* 2. Ignition lock switch On.
Check trip indicators and timers.
Topping stops Check stowed.
5. Cockpit area Check as follows:
a. General condition.
b. Fire extinguisher Check seal intact,
DD Form 1574/1574-1, and security.
c. Jettisonable door release handles/
Aircrew members are not to place flight
helmets or anything on the left and right
jettison cockpit door handles. This can
cause premature jettison of the doors.
(1) Jettisonable door release handles
Check that the top and bottom
latches engage the door supports,
locking devices removed.
(2) Jettisonable door latches Check
through door latch plate inspection
holes (upper and lower) that door
latches are centered in the latch
plate detents.
d. Sliding windows.