TM 1-1520-240-108-2-3CAUTIONFailure to close the Unisex valves at theERFS II tank end of the single point pres-sure refueling hose assembly could allowsuctioning of fuel from the helicopter mainfuel tanks during FARE operations.Of. Single Point Pressure Refueling HoseAssembly — Check connection security;Unisex valve at ERFS II Tank CLOSE.g. Electrical Harness — Check connectionsecurity of J1.h. Fuel Quantity Sensing Wiring Harness— Check connection security of J2.i. Fuel/Defuel Vent Valve —Check in theCLOSED position.WARNINGFailure to remove water and contaminantsfrom the ERFS II tank sump could result incontaminants being transferred to thehelicopter fuel tanks or other aircraft orequipment during FARE operations. If wa-ter and contaminants are not removed, aloss of engine power may result.j. ERFS II Tank Sump Fuel Sample —Check before first flight of the day.k. Filler Cap — Check in place, closed, andlocked.l. ERFS II FUEL CONTROL PANEL —Check or set as follows:(1) Electrical Harness-Helicopter Re-ceptacles to Fuel Control Panel —Check connection security of J5.(2) Electrical Harness-Fuel ControlPanel to Tank Assembly — Checkconnection security of J1, J2, and J3.(3) Wiring Harness-Fuel Quantity Sens-ing — Check connection security ofJ4.(4) PUMP AC circuit breaker six (6)each — Check in reset position onTANK 1, TANK 2, and TANK 3 (ifinstalled).(5) PANEL POWER circuit breaker —Check in reset position.(6) PANEL LIGHTING circuit breaker —Check in reset position.(7) PUMP switches — OFF on TANK 1,TANK 2, and TANK 3.(8) PRESS LOW lights three (3) each —Press to test (Aircraft power must beon to illuminate).(9) REFUEL VALVE — Check CLOSE.(10) PANEL illumination switch/rheostat—OFF.(11) FUEL QUANTITY switch — Set to 1,2, 3, and TOTAL to check fuel quan-tity in each tank (Aircraft power mustbe on to illuminate).8-2-9. Aft Cabin.1. Ramp — Check.2. Engine fire extinguisher bottles — Check.3. POWER STEERING MODULE — Checkpressure 2500 to 3500 psi.4. 714AP3 drain — Check5. FUEL VALVE #2 ENGINE — Check OPEN.6. FUEL VALVE CROSSFEED (right) —CLOSED.7. HYD SYS FILL module — Check condition,fluid level, cover secure, and valve closed.*8. APU start accumulators — Check pressures.If pressure is less than 3,000 psi, pressurizethe system with the hand pump before at-tempting to start the APU.*9. MAINTENANCE PANEL — Check for trippedBITE indicators and hydraulic fluid levels.O10. AFT POS LIGHT switch — Set as required.O11. PWR MDL CHIP BURN-OFF — Check forcondition and security.*12. Aft transmission — Check as follows:a. Oil level.b. Filter button.c. Oil cooler.d. Secure doors.13. APU — Check.14. EMERGENCY APU FLUID SHUT OFFVALVE — Check OPEN.15. COMPASS FLUX VALVE — Check.16. FUEL VALVE CROSSFEED (left) — CheckCLOSED.17. FUEL VALVE #1 ENGINE — Check OPEN.
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