TM 1-1520-240-108-2-8 *20. Cyclic trim — Check GND position.F*21. Rotor blades — Check position. Make surethat a rotor blade is not within 30_ of thecenterline of the fuselage throughout con-trol check.*22. AFCS SYSTEM SEL switch — Check as fol-lows:a. Select individual system and check oppo-site AFCS caution capsule remains on.b. Select BOTH and check both AFCS cau-tion capsules go out. c. AFCS SYSTEM SEL switch — OFF.LF*23. Flight control travel and hydraulics —Check as follows: (For thru flights, completesteps b thru e with FLT CONTR switch —BOTH).CAUTIONIf a helicopter is parked on a slope greaterthan 4_, longitudinal stick travel may be re-stricted to less than 7 inches forward (upslope) or 4 inches aft (down slope).NOTEMixing of flight control inputs during ground op-eration on a single hydraulic system should beavoided. If the Flight Controls are moved rapidlyor erratically during the control check, unusualvibrations may be felt, or flight boost hydraulicfail indication may result.NOTECheck caution capsules as the check is beingperformed. With slow smooth flight controlinputs, check each axis individually thru fulltravel for smoothness of operation. Check forcorresponding movement of the fore and aftrotors during the check.a. FLT CONTR hydraulic switch — 1 ON.b. Check cyclic for freedom of movementin all quadrants. Check for a minimumof 7 inches forward and 4 inches afttravel.c. Check thrust through full travel for free-dom of movement and magnetic brake forproper operation.d. Check pedals through full travel for free-dom of movement.e. Position the cyclic and pedals at neutral,thrust at ground detent.f. FLT CONTR hydraulic switch — 2 ON,Repeat steps b thru e.g. FLT CONTR hydraulic switch — BOTH.24. Avionics — Perform operational check andset as required.O25. HUD — Program as required.NOTEIf the DECU display is other than 88, place theENG COND levers to STOP, turn B/U PWRswitch off, and remove all power from theDECU by pulling the respective ENGINE PRIand REV CONT circuit breakers on the PDP.Reset circuit breakers and perform anotherDECU prestart BIT. If other than 88’s consultDECU Fault Code List/Matrix in Chapter 2.LF*26.714ADECU PRESTART BIT — Performas follows:a. B/U PWR switch — ON.b. Wait until ENG FAIL, FADEC, and REVcaution lights go out.c. ENG COND levers— GND.Fd. DECUs — Check displays read 88.e. ENG COND LEVERS— STOP.27.712ENGINE BEEP TRIM switch (NO. 1& 2) — Decrease for 8 seconds.*28. Ignition Lock switch — ON.F*29. Area — Clear for start.CAUTIONPersonnel must stay clear of the EAPS forexhaust when the fans are operating. Sandand debris within the EAPS will be ejected.NOTEThe EAPS fans have high start up electricalpower requirements. To prevent an overload,the fans must be turned on one at a time. Thefirst fan must be allowed to stabilize for 10 - 15seconds before the second fan is turned on.O*30. EAPS Fans — On (delay 10-15 secondsbetween turning on NO. 1 and NO. 2).CAUTIONThe flight controls must be manned any timethe helicopter is on the ground with rotorsturning.NOTEEither engine may be started first.
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