TM 1-1520-240-108-2-10 * 38. GEN 1 and 2 switches — ON. 712No 1 GENand No 2 GEN OFF 714AGEN 1 and GEN2 caution capsules out. * 39. APU GEN switch — OFF.NOTEIf the DECU display is other than 88, refer tothe DECU BIT Fault Code List/Matrix.L*40.714ADECU START BIT — Perform asfollows:a. ENG COND levers — Retard 5degrees.Fb. DECU display — Check display reads88.c. ENG COND levers — FLT.* 41. PWR XFER 1 and 2 switches — OFF.* 42. APU switch — OFF. APU ON caution /adviso-ry capsule out.*43. Systems — Check normal.* 44. Transponder — STBY.8-2-19. Engine Ground Operation..L1. FUEL PUMP AND XFEED — Check Op-eration as follows:a. All FUEL PUMP switches — OFF.Check L and R FUEL PRESS cautioncaution capsules should come on.b. L AFT MAIN FUEL PUMP switch —ON. Check L and R FUEL PRESS cau-tion capsule should go out. Then switchOFF.c. Remaining MAIN FUEL PUMPswitches — Check as in step b. above.d. L AFT FUEL PUMP switch — ON.Check L AUX PRESS light on overheadpanel comes on, then goes out. Set pumpswitch to OFF.e. Remaining three AUX FUEL PUMPs —Check as in step d, except check R AUXPRESS light on, then off, for R AUX FUELPUMP switches.* 2. FUEL CONTR switches — Set as follows: NOTEIf using ERFS or ERFS II, the AUX FUELPUMP switches may be left OFF.a. All FUEL PUMP switches — ON.Fb. XFEED switch CLOSE — XFEEDSchecked closed, light out.3. VGI switches — As required.*4. Flight instruments — Check as follows: a. HSI compass cards — Check synchro-nized. Cross–check with magneticcompass. Refer to Chapter 3, SectionIII.b. Attitude indicators — Adjust as required.5.712Emergency engine trim system —Check as follows:a. EMERG ENG TRIM 1 switch — DECRmomentarily. Check torque and N1 de-grease then release. Torque and N1should return to normal settings.b. EMERG ENG TRIM 2 switch Checksame as No. 1 engine.L6.714AFADEC Reversionary system —Check first flight of day. a. FADEC 1 and 2 PRI-REV switches —PRI.b. NR% switch — 100%.c. FADEC 1 — Check as follows: (1) FADEC 1 PRI-REV switch — REV.(2) FADEC 1 INC-DEC switch — DEC.Check for decrease in No. 1 engineN1 and torque, and correspondingincrease in No. 2 engine N1 andtorque.(3) FADEC 1 INC-DEC switch — INC.Check for increase in No. 1, en-gine, N1 and torque, and corre-sponding decrease in No. 2 engineN1 and torque. (4) FADEC 1 PRI-REV — PRI.d. Repeat check for FADEC 2.7. Radar altimeters — Check and set. * 8. Transponder — Check and set.*9. Navigation Set DGNS — ON as required,perform operational check, confirm way-point entry and SA/AS as required.
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