TM 1-1520-240-108-2-9LF*31.712First engine — Start as follows:a. L MAIN FUEL PUMPS — ON Check LFUEL PRESS Caution Light — OUT.b. XFEED switch — OPEN. Check R FUELPRESS Caution Light — OUT.c. ENG COND lever — STOP.d. ENG START switch — MTR.NOTEIf engine does not reach 15% but exceeds 10%N1 (minimum) and has reached it’s maximumspeed, initiate start, but monitor engine and PTITfor possible hung start and/or excessive PTIT.e. Motor engine to minimum of 15% N1.Set ENG COND lever — GND; ENGSTART switch to START immediately.f. Release START switch to MTR beforePTIT reaches 200_C. When N1 is 50%,set START switch to OFF. CheckSTARTER ON light out.g. Engine instruments — Check when sta-bilized at ground idle (N1 at60_ mini-mum). Check engine oil pressure for 20psi minimum. The engine should accel-erate to ground idle speed within 45seconds.LF*32. 714AFirst Engine — Start as follows:a. Primary:(1) L MAIN FUEL PUMP — ON. CheckL FUEL PRESS Caution Light —OUT.(2) XFEED switch — OPEN. Check RFUEL PRESS Caution Light —OUT.(3) ENG COND lever — GND.(4) ENG START switch — Start andHold until N1 accelerates to 10%then release.(5) Engine instruments — Check whenstabilized at ground idle (N1 at 50%minimum). Check Engine oil pres-sure for 5 psi minimum. The engineshould accelerate to ground idle with-in 45 seconds.b. Reversionary ((If engine does not startin PRI and all other indications are nor-mal):(1) DECU Pre-Start BIT — Perform.(2) PRI/REV switch — REV.(3) ENG COND Lever — GND.(4) ENG START switch — Start andhold until N1 accelerates to 10%then release.(5) Engine instruments — Check whenstabilized at ground idle (N1 50 to60%). Check engine oil pressurefor 5 psi minimum. The engineshould accelerate to ground idlespeed within 45 seconds.(6) DECU BIT — Check 88s (if otherthan 88, consult DECU Fault CodeList/Matrix).(7) FADEC PRI/REV switch — PRI.CAUTIONThe N2 section of the second engine startsturning when the first engine is started;however, the lubrication system of the sec-ond engine is driven by the N1 section whichdoes not begin to turn until the start se-quence is initiated. Delay in starting thesecond engine will result in excessive wearon the N2 bearing package and seal. Start thesecond engine within three minutes of thefirst.LF*33. Second engine — Start by using same meth-od as first engine.*34. Transmission oil pressures — Check forminimum of 7 psi. There is no time limit forground idle operation, provided there is aminimum of 7 psi oil pressure in each trans-mission.CAUTIONFailure of either engine to accelerate smoothlyfrom ground to flight or engine N1 to acceleratepast 70% N1, may be an indication of a clutchmalfunction in the engine transmission.* 35. ENG COND levers — FLT. No. 1 and No. 2clear to FLT. Engine acceleration should besmooth with no surging.*36.712RRPM — Set as required. 714ARRPM — Check 100 1.F*37. Fluid drain lines — Check.NOTEDelay turning second generator on or off for twoseconds. This delay will give DECU time to sam-ple power without causing soft fault.
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