TM 1-1520-240-108-2-138-2-23. Hover Check. Perform the following check at a hover.1. Flight controls — Check flight controls for cor-rect response.2. Systems instruments — Check normal.3. Flight instruments — Check as required.a. VSI, barometric and radar altimeters —Indicate climb and descent.b. Turn pointers, heading indicators andmagnetic compass — Indicate turns rightand left.c. Slip indicator — Ball free in race.NOTERapid rotation of the pitch and roll trim knobson the attitude indicator may cause abruptpitch and roll attitude changes with AFCS on.d. Attitude Indicator — Indicate nose high,nose low, banks right and left.e. Airspeed indicator — Check.4. LCTS — Check retracted.F5. GROUND CONTACT indicating lights check— Both off.6. AFCS — Check as follows: (First flight ofday).a. SYSTEM SEL switch — NO. 1 Checkhelicopter stable with no abrupt en-gagement error. Check NO. 2 AFCSOFF caution on.b. SYSTEM SEL switch — NO. 2 Checkhelicopter stable with no abrupt engage-ment error. Check NO. 1 AFCS OFFcaution on.c. SYSTEM SEL switch — Both. Check he-licopter stable with no abrupt engage-ment error. Check both AFCS OFF cau-tion capsules extinguished.7.712HIT/714APAT — Perform as re-quired.8. Power Check — Perform as required.8-2-24. Before Takeoff.*1. Systems — Check indications of the follow-ing:a. Rotor — Check as required.b. Torque.c. Engine.d. Transmission.e. Fuel.f.712Master caution panel.g.714ACaution/Advisory panel.*2. PARKING BRAKE — As required.*3. AFCS SYSTEM SEL switch — As required.*4. CYCLIC TRIM switch — Check.*5. SWIVEL switch — LOCK.*6. Transponder — As required.F*7. Crew, passengers, and mission equipment— Check.8-2-25. VMC Takeoff. Refer to Aircrew Training Manual (ATM).8-2-26. Hover.Refer to Aircrew Training Manual (ATM). To engage radaraltitude hold perform the following:WARNINGDo not use radar altitude hold in forwardflight over terrain. It may not provideadequate terrain clearance in rapidlychanging terrain. Use radar altitude holdto maintain a constant absolute altitudeduring hover or forward flight over water.RAD ALT hold can be used to a maximumof 1,500 feet absolute altitude.a. Radar altimeter — ON. Check that pointer hasrotated from behind the mask, the digital display is lit, andthe OFF flag is out of view.b. Fly to desired altitude.c. RAD ALT select on AFCS panel — Press. CheckENGAGED light ON. The radar altitude hold feature ofthe AFCS will maintain a constant altitude.d. To select another altitude, press the THRUSTCONT BRAKE TRIGGER. Fly to desired altitude andrelease the THRUST CONT BRAKE TRIGGER. The alti-tude at the moment the trigger is released will be the newaltitude.
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