TM 1-1520-240-108-2-7(3) BRK STEER switch — ON. Coverdown.(4) RAMP PWR switch — ON.O (5) RAMP EMER switch — HOLD. Cov-er down.5. FIRE PULL handles — In.6. AGENT DISCH switch — Check.*7. XMSN OIL PRESS switch — SCAN.*8. XMSN OIL TEMP switch — SCAN.*9. VGI switches — NORM.10. CYCLIC TRIM switch — AUTO. *11. AFCS SYSTEM SEL switch — OFF.*12. M-130 or AN/ALE-47 — SAFE or OFF.13. Avionics equipment — OFF; set as required.O14. HUD — OFF15.712EMERG ENG TRIM switches — AUTO,covers down.16. SWIVEL switch — LOCK.8-2-18. Starting Engines.* 1. BATT switch — ON2. CAUTION LT TEST switch–TEST. Checkthat all caution/advisories capsules and thetwo master caution lights on the instrumentpanel come on. Some of the caution cap-sules will be on before the system ischecked.3. Clocks — Running, Set as required.F 4. TROOP WARN ALARM and JUMP LTS —Two bells, two red, two green (as required).F*5. Fire guard posted — APU clear to start.L*6. APU — Start as follows:a. APU switch — RUN for 3 to 5 seconds.b. APU switch — START for 2 seconds,then RUN.NOTEIf the start is not completed, or the APU isautomatically shut down, wait one minute forcooling before attempting a restart. Failure toallow the APU to cool may cause a prematureshutdown on restart due to overtemperature.If the start is not completed, set the APUswitch to OFF, check the BITE indicators inthe ESU, and record the display for mainte-nance.c. APU ON indicating light — Check on.d. UTIL HYD SYS caution — Check out. Ifthe light does not go out within 30 sec-onds after APU ON indicating lightcomes on, APU switch OFF.* 7. APU GEN switch— ON. No. 1 and No. 2RECT OFF.NOTEIf either HYD FLT CONTR caution capsule doesnot go out in 30 seconds, after the PWR XFERswitches are set to ON, set the PWR XFERswitch to OFF. Do not fly the helicopter.* 8. PWR XFER — Check. PWR XFER 1 and 2switches — ON. Check HYD FLT CONTRcaution capsules out.F*9. MAINTENANCE PANEL — Check.a. GND switch — TEST, then RESET.b. GROUND CONTACT indicating lights —Check on.c. Systems — Normal.*10. Avionics — On as required.O11. HUD — ON. As required.LF12. CARGO HOOKS HOIST/WINCH — Checkoperation as required. Refer to Chapter 4,Section III.F13. ANTI-ICE systems — Check as required.a. PITOT switch — ON. Physically check forpitot tube and yaw port heat. Then switchOFF.b. W/S switches — ON. Physically check forwindshield heat. Then switch OFF.14. SLT-FIL switches — Check and set as re-quired.*15. PARKING BRAKE — Set.16. CRUISE GUIDE indicator — Check for pointerin white test band when the CGI TEST switchis at FWD and AFT TEST.F*17. Altimeters — Set and check as follows:a. Barometric altimeter — Set and check.b. Radar altimeter — ON and set.18. FIRE DETR switch — TEST. Check fire warn-ing lights on, release switch, and check firewarning lights out.*19. Fuel quantity — Check as required.
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