TM 1-1520-240-BDCHAPTER 6POWERTRAIN SYSTEMSECTION I. GENERALFigure 6-1. Powertrain Assessment Logic6-1.POWERTRAINCOMPONENTS Battle damagedto the basic powertrain (transmission, gear boxes, anddrive shafts) will most likely require a componentchange. This is especially true if internal damage hasoccurred.6-2.GEARBOXDAMAGE6-3.GENERALINFORMATION .if a bullet strikes thegear box and exits, and the gears do not jam or bindand there is no loss or lubricant, repair may be deferred.6-4.LIMITATIONS Small oil loss can be tolerated. Ifaircraft is run for an extended period of time with little orno oil, gearbox will wear itself out and jam.6-5.PERSONNELTIMEREQUIRED . One PersonRequired6-6.OPTION1. Sealant Repair (Refer to paragraph2-13).6-1
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