TM 1-1520-240-BDSECTION III. BATTLE-DAMAGE REPAIRS7-3.DEFERMENT.Scheduled maintenance asindicated in the applicable aircraft manual may bedeferred. Unscheduled maintenance, such as the repairof systems and subsystems which are not critical tomission accomplishment, may be deferred if safety offlight is not significantly degraded. The commandermay defer combat maintenance and battle-damagerepair, even if doing so places operational limitations onthe aircraft.7-4.GENERALThe purpose of pneudraulic systemBDR is to restore serviceability to only those systemsrequired to perform the mission. The type mission to beflown will determine the system required. Pneudraulicsystem damage will normally be reported by the pilot orbe self-evident. However, a full assessment of alldamage is essential before repair decisions are made.Repair to nonessential systems should only beattempted when down time will not be increased. Theseprocedures are intended to provide guidance andsuggest approaches to making essential repairs in atimely manner.a.ExpedientRepairs. Standard repair methodsshould be used if facilities, equipment, materials, andexperienced personnel are available. In most cases,standard repair methods take less time thannonstandard repair methods. Some of the expedientrepairs are temporary, while others are permanent.However, it should be remembered that the objective ofBDR is to return the aircraft to the flight line by thespeediest means possible so that it is capable ofadditional sorties.b.Non-detailedInstructions.Uncertainties in thebattle-damage repair environment make it impossible togive specific repair procedures for all situationsinvolving pneudraulic system damage. The best repairmethod will depend on the availability of facilities,spares, and the operational or tactical environmentUltimately, the best method will depend on theexperience and ingenuity of the BDR technicians. Therepair techniques discussed in this manual do notinclude detailed procedures. Therefore, the use ofsound judgment and experience in the selection andapplication of repairs is of paramount importance.Although these repairs will restore essential systems toa serviceable condition, they are intended to serve as achecklist of ideas. The repairs are neither exhaustivenor mandatory.7-5.COMPONENTDAMAGE. Component damagesuch as hydraulic valves, will be repaired byreplacement. Serviceable items will be obtainedthrough normal sources or cannibalization. However,internal repairs will be attempted when replacementparts are not available and technical ability isaccessible. Nonessential components will be isolated atthe component or downstream past the damaged area.Leaving existing damaged tubing installed and routing areplacement hose from the first undamaged "B" nut, cansave time. The procedure is permissible providingexisting tubing does not interfere with other operations.Secure replacement hose where it will not be damageduring system operation.WARNINGSubstitute or repair hoses must meetsystem pressure and fluidrequirements.7-6.PNEUDRAULICSYSTEM .When only onepressure source is required, other damaged systemsmaybe isolated. The type mission required willdetermine what systems can be eliminated. Thetechnician and assessor will evaluate these situations.CAUTIONTake care to prevent hydraulic liquidlocks whenever a component hasone system disconnected or isolated.A bypass hose will have to beinstalled to direct pressure from inletport to outlet port. In some casesports will have to be left open.7-7.BDR TUBING AND HOSE REPAIRTECHNIQUES.Of all battle damage incurred byaircraft pneudraulic systems, the most probable will betubing and hose installation damage. BDR to hose andtubing installation can be accomplished in manydifferent ways. When repairs must be made, the mostimportant items are system pressures, tools and repairmaterials. Most aircraft have a combination of bothtubing and hose installations of both AN (flared), MS(flareless), and permaswage manufacture.Replacement with original equipment is desirable butnot essential, providing materials are available anddown time will not be increased.7-8.TUBINGREPAIRS.a.Manufacture. Manufacture as per sample ortemplate and replace damaged assembly. This can beaccomplished using AN flared assemblies with MSflareless installation or MS flareless assemblies with ANflared type installation providing appropriate AN to MSunions are available.7-3
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