TM 1-1520-240-BDCHAPTER 7PNEUDRAULICSSECTION I. GENERAL7-1.INTRODUCTION This chapter providesprocedures for assessing battle damage, deferringdamage, and repairing pneudraulic system. Thisprimary emphasis Is on providing the assessor withguidance to perform the assessment process.Simplified logic trees (See Figure 7-1) and relatedillustrations also aid the assessor.SECTION II. DAMAGE ASSESSMENT7-2.DAMAGEASSESMENTPROCEEDUREa.Assessment. Inspect and evaluate allpneudraulic hoses, tubing, fittings, and line supports inthe entire damaged area before beginning repair. Theinspection may reveal damaged hoses and hoses withbroken wire braling. Tubing that is dented, scratched, ornicked might also be found. The inspection may alsoreveal damaged line supports or evidence of firedamage (Figure 7-1).b.DamagedArm,Damaged and suspecteddamage areas should be cleaned before inspection.Fluid residue will make it difficult to determine whichcomponents are actually damaged. Do not useabrasives for cleaning.7-1
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