TM 1-1520-240-BDGLOSSARYSECTION I. TERMS AND DEFINITIONSThis appendix contains terms and definitions used in the task of airframe battle-damage assessment and repair.AirframeSection- A major part of the airframe such asthe cockpit, cabin or tailcone.AirframeZone- An area or section of the airframedefined for the purpose of assessing battle damage.AreaLoss- The fractional planform area of a structuralmember removed by ballistic damage.AssessmentRule- A specific criterion used to assess aparticular damage condition.Assessor- A trained maintenance technician whosefunction it is to assess aircraft battle damage.Axial- Pertaining to the line about which a rotating bodyturns.AxialLoad- Force or stress along the line about which arotating body turns.Battle-DamagedAssessment- The process used todetermine if repair of a battle-damaged aircraft orsystem can be safely deferred either for a one-timeevacuation flight of the aircraft or to return the aircraft toservice for a limited number of flight-hours. The threemajor tasks of battle-damage assessment are damageinspection, damage evaluation, and repair deferabilityassessment.BayGroup- Two or more adjacent bays in eitherdirection.Cap- Flat Strip attached along top or bottom edge ofspar, or around rib.CategoryIStructure- Primary framing members suchas frames, beams, bulkheads and longerons.CategoryIIStructure- Primary skins and stringers.CategoryIIIStructure- Fixed secondary structures suchas formers, intercostals, and channels.Category IV Structure - Removable secondarystructures such as fairings, cowlings, doors and panels.Channels- Structural member of channel form (eg tophat, or U).Compression- The act of pressing together.Cowlings- A streamlined housing for aircraftcomponents.Damage, Battle - Damage caused by ballisticprojectiles, explosions, and fire.Damage,Primary- Damage caused directly by theballistic projectiles, explosions, or fire associated with anattack.Damage,Secondary- Damage to structural membersnot directly exposed to the attack caused by flying theaircraft with battle-damaged members failed or missing.DamageCleanup- The process of removing and/orsmoothing damaged material.DamageDiagram- A sketch of a portion of the airframeused to define the location of damaged members.DamageEvaluation- The process used to determinewhether a damaged structure is serviceable or failed.DamageInspection- The process of inspecting for thepurpose of locating, identifying, classifying, andrecording battle damage.DamageLabels- Marks and symbols placed on astructural member to identify areas of damage.DamageLimit- The amount of damage to a memberwhich, if exceeded, requires the member to be classifiedas failed.DamageMeasurement- The process of determining thedimensions of damage to a structure.DamageMode- A type of damage such as a crack, holeor spall.DamageMonitoring- Periodic inspections of unrepaireddamage to check for deterioration and damage growth.DamageReport- A form for recording damage by type,location and nature of damage. Damage measurementsand failure criteria are also recorded.Glossary-1
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