TM 1-1520-240-BDDebriefing,Flight-Crew- An interview with the aircraftflight crew concerning the conditions at the time of thecombat encounter and during the returning flight for thepurpose of acquiring information that will aid in theassessment of damage.DeferrableDamage- Damage whose repair can bepostponed, allowing the aircraft to execute a one-timeevacuation flight or return to service for a limitednumber of flight-hours.Doubler- Additional layer of sheet or strip to reinforcestructural joint.ExpedientRepair- A repair used under combatconditions whose objective is speed the return ofdamaged aircraft to service (a time-expedient repair)and/or to salvage an aircraft that would be unrepairableby peacetime field repair standards (a methods-expedient repair). Expedient repairs generally ignorepeacetime repair standards concerning weight,aerodynamic cleanliness, and appearance. They mayrestore the structure to less than original strength, mayhave a limited service life, and may require specialmonitoring.Failure- The state a damaged element occupies when itis no longer able to support a minimum required load fora minimum required period of service and/or cannotmeet the minimum required functional performance.FailureCriteria- The limits on damage of various typeswhich, if exceeded, require an element to be classifiedas failed.Fairings- Secondary structure whose function is toreduce drag; eg streamlined cover, or junction betweentwo parts.Formers- Light secondary structure added to maintainor improve external shape.FuselageBay- The structure between vertical framingmembers such as frames, formers and bulkheads. Abay is continuous around the circumference of theairframe. The frame, former or bulkhead forward of thebay is considered to belong in that bay.Gusset- Small flat member used to reinforce joints orangles.Intercostals- Flat longitudinal structural member(stringer) joining adjacent frames or ribs, usually tosupport access door or equipment.Joggle- Small vertical offset along edge of sheet orstrip to allow it to overlap adjacent component.Longerons- A main longitudinal brace or support on anaircraft.Lugs- A projection or head on a metal part to serve as acap, handle support, or fitting connection.MountingBosses- Locally thickened area to providesupport for shaft bearing, threaded connection, or otherlead.MaintenanceAuthority- The unit commander or hisrepresentative design-attomake decisions onmaintenance priority for battle-damage repair.Planform- Geometric shape in plan esp of wings andother airfoils.ProximityRelationship- The spatial relationshipbetween elements in a structure within and amongzones.RepairDeferabilityAssessment- The process used todetermine if an airframe containing failed structuralmembers must be repaired or can be safely flownwithout repair, either for a one-time evacuation flight ofthe aircraft or to return the aircraft to service for alimited number of flight hours.RestrictedOperation- Limits placed on the use of adamaged aircraft during an evacuation fight.Ribs- Primary structural member running across wing,or other airfoil essentially in chordwise direction.Section,Structural- The area or length of a structuralmember as viewed from an endwise direction.SectionLoss- The fractional cross sectional area of astructural member removed by ballistic damage.ShearLoad- Load (force) applied in shear (stress inwhich parallel planes of loaded material tend to slidepast each other).SkinPanel- The area of skin bounded by longitudinalframing members above and below and by verticalframing members fore and aft.Spall- A chip or fragment removed from the surface oredge of the material, usually on the back surface of apart that has been ballistically penetrated.Spar- Any principal structural member in airfoil runningfrom tip to top, or from root to tip.Glossary-2
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