TM 1-1520-240-BDStringer- A long light structural member used aslongitudinal members in an airframe.Structure- An assembly of connected structuralelements.Structure,Nonessential- Structure whose function isonly to enhance aerodynamics or to protect and provideaccess to internally housed components. Except forsecondary damage that may be caused by a structureseparating from the aircraft in flight, failure or loss ofnonessential structure will have no significant effect onthe performance or short-term reliability of the aircraft.Structure,Primary- Structure that is essential to theairworthiness of the aircraft, failure or loss of which,alone or in combination with other failures, couldseverely degrade the flight safety, ballistic survivability,and/or crashworthiness of the aircraft.Structure,Secondary- Structure that is essential to thefunctional performance of the aircraft, failure or loss ofwhich, alone or in combination with other failures, coulddegrade the mission capability of the aircraft.StructuresCategory- One of four classifications whichdescribe the contribution of a structural component tothe airworthiness and mission capability of the aircraft.StructuralComponent- A structural element or anassembly of structural elements (door, stabilator, etc.).StructuralElement- One of the constituent parts of theairframe (frame, beam panel, etc.) Structural Member Astructural element.Tension- The force tending to increase the dimension ofa body in the direction of the force.Torsion- The internal movement of a body subjected totwisting force.Triage- The sorting out and classification of casualtiesof war or other disaster to determine priority of need andproper place of treatment.TypeIRepairDeferment- 100 flight-hour deferment'unrestricted operating envelope.TypeIIRepairDeferment- One-time flight defermentvrestricted operating envelope.Web- Principal vertical member of a beam, spar, orother primary structure running length of wing orfuselage.Wounds- Damage caused by ballistic impacts andpenetrations.SECTION II. ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONSAcft-AircraftAC-Alternating currentACM/BDR-Aircraft combat maintenance/battle-damage repairAL-AlumelAmps-AmperesAN-Air Force-NavyAP-Armor piercingAPI-Armor pierdng incendiaryAPU-Auxiliary power unitATT-AttitudeAVIM-Aviation intermediate maintenanceAVUM-Aviation unit maintenanceBD-Battle-damageBDR-Battle-damage repairB.L.-Butt lineC-CelsiusCB (zone)-CabinCD-Damage depthCL-Damage lengthCNConstantanCP (zone)CockpitCRChromelCRTCathode-Ray tubeGlossary-3
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