TM 1-1520-240-BDd.CabinFuselage. (Figure 2-31). The cabinsection provides the major carrying capacity of thehelicopter. It can be fitted to carry troops, litters, cargo,or any combination of the three. The cabin floorconsists of 12 removable panels set between fivetiedown beams. The panels are made of rivetedsections of magnesium alloy. Center panels arecovered with non-skid material. Tiedown rings areinstalled in the tiedown beams. The rings have acapacity of 5,000 or 10,000 pounds. A rescue hatchdoor of sandwich honeycomb construction is in thecenter of the floor. It hinges open for access to anexternal cargo hook and a movable hatch in the lowerskin. A tunnel along the top of the cabin section housesdrive shafting and flight controls. The tunnel consists ofsix honeycomb covers that hinge open for access tocomponents. A walkway at the right of the tunnel runsthe length of the cabin. Detachable pods on each sideof the fuselage section contain the fuel tanks. Theforward end of each pod contains components of theelectronic and electrical systems. A hinged panel ineach pod provides access to the forward landing gear.e.AftFuselageandPylon. (Figure 2-32). The aftfuselage and pylon sections together contain the afttransmission and the apu. The engines are mountedinside nacelles at the base of the pylon on each side ofthe fuselage. A hydraulically operated cargo loadingramp is at the aft end of the fuselage section. Itincludes a ramp, a jettisonable cargo door, and threeauxiliary loading ramps. Three removable floor panelsare set into the cargo ramp. Two 5,000 pound tiedownfittings are at each side of the ramp. The cargo doorretracts inside the ramp when the ramp is lowered andextends when the ramp is raised. A jettisonable doorhatch is in the center of the cargo door. The threeauxiliary ramps are hinged at the aft edge of the ramp.In use, they are rotated from their stowed position on theramp to bridge the gap from the ramp to the ground.The center auxiliary ramp can be used as a workplatform for maintenance on the apu. Pods along thelower edge of each side of the aft fuselage form anextension of the cabin fuselage pods. They containaccess panels to the aft landing gear and fold-out workplatforms for engine maintenance. The pylon housesthe aft rotor shaft and the combining transmission. Theleading edge of the pylon is hinged on each side. Itopens at the centerline for access to the combiningtransmission. A work platform opens to provide accessto the rotor shaft. The pylon is attached to the aftfuselage at water line 72. It can be removed if neededto transport the helicopter.Figure 2-31. Cabin Fuselage2-35
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