TM 1-1520-240-BDSECTION II. GENERAL STRUCTURAL REPAIRS2-4. RIVETS. Refer to TM 1-1500-204-23 Series forriveting procedures and identification. Additionalinformation on rivets, including alloy selection, rowdistance, and pitch, as may be necessary to accomplishrepairs is shown. Acceptable rivet inspection criteria isas follows:a.The head of a flush rivet should be flush withthe surface with no significant deviation above or belowthis level. The rivet should be centered in thecountersink to provide continuous contact around thehead of the rivet.b.The head of a protruding head rivet shouldprovide continuous contact with the surface; that is,there should be no significant head tit relative to thesurface.c.The tails of both of the above rivets shouldprovide continuous circumferential contact between thetail and the local surface.d.There should be no damage to the rivet or localsurface such as that resulting from bucking bar slippage.e.A truly loose rivet will be moveable by hand andshould be replaced.2-5. SUBSTITUTEANBOLTSFORANRIVETS .Substitute AN bolts for AN rivets as follows:a.When rivets left out on assembly cannot beinstalled.b.Where edge distance is less than 1 1/2 timesdiameter of rivet.NOTEMinimum edge distance of two timesdiameter of rivet is preferred.c.Replacement sizes are as follows:RIVET ALLOYAND DIABOLT SIZEAD4, 5, 6AN3 or AN23AD8AN4DD or AN24AD10AN5DD or AN25AD12AN6DD or AN262-6. INSTALLATION OF AN BOLTS FOR ANRIVETS.a.Drill rivet hole to size as follows:RIVETALLOYHOLE DIAAND DIABOLT SIZE(INCHES)AD4, 5, 6AN3 or AN230.191 to 0.197AD8AN4DD or AN240.250 to 0.257AD10AN5DD or AN250.3125 to 0.3195AD12AN6DD or AN260.375 to 0.382b.Install washers AN960 and nuts MS20364 asrequired.c.Nuts MS20365 can replace nuts MS20364.2-37
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