TM 1-1520-240-CLE-9FUEL SYSTEMAux Fuel Pump Failure1. FUEL QUANTITY selector switch — Check.If one or both auxiliary fuel tanks have fuel remaining:2. AC-DC FUEL PUMP circuit breakers — Checkin.3. FWD and AFT AUX FUEL PUMP switches(affected side) — OFF.4. AUX FUEL PUMP switch — ON (each aux tankwith fuel remaining).If AUX PRESS indicating light remains on:5. AUX FUEL PUMP switch(es) (inoperativepumps(s)) — OFF. Monitor FUEL QUANTITYindicator for the affected tank.6. AUX FUEL PUMP switch(es) — ON foroperative pumps or OFF for inoperative pumps.FUEL VENTING1. AUXFUELPUMPswitches(affectedside)—OFF.2. Main tank (affected side) — Monitor.When 1,000 pounds of fuel remain:3. AUX FUEL PUMP switches — ON (monitor fuelquantity).When tank quantity reaches 1,600 pounds:4. AUX FUEL PUMP switches — OFF.5. Steps 2 through 4 — Repeat until auxiliary tanksare empty.L or R FUEL PRESS Caution1. XFEEDswitch—OPEN(above6,000feetPA).2. FUEL PUMP(S) circuit breakers — Check in.Pump(s) are operational — Proceed with step 3.
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