TM 1-1520-240-CLE-10Pump(s) arenotoperational — Proceed with step 4.3. XFEED switch — CLOSED.4. FUEL PUMP switches — OFF (inoperativepump(s).Fuel Low Caution1. Fuel quantify — Check individual tanks.2. XFEED switch — As required.3. Land as soon as practicable.Fuel Low and Fuel Pressure Caution1. XFEED—CLOSED.2. Landassoonaspossible.ELECTRICAL SYSTEMNO. 1 or NO. 2 GEN OFF CAUTIONIf no bus tie exists and the failed generator cannot berestored:Landassoonaspossible.If only the No. 1 or No. 2 GEN OFF caution is illuminated,abustieexists:1. GEN switch — OFF RESET, then ON.If the caution remains on:2. GEN switch — OFF. 3. Land as soon as practicable.NO. 1 and NO. 2 GEN OFF Cautions1. Landassoonaspossible.2. 712 EMERENGTrim—Adjust.If unable to land proceed as follows:1-3.1. Airspeed—below 100 KIAS.2. Altitude—below 6,000 feet PA3. AFCS —OFF.
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