TM 1-1520-240-CLE-114. PDP’s — Check circuit breakers and place gangbar down.5. Each GEN switch—OFF RESET, then ON.Electrical power is restored (from either generator):Landassoonaspossible.Electrical power isnot restored:1. APU—Start.2. APU GEN—ON.3. Landassoonaspossible.NO. 1 or NO. 2 RECT OFF CautionDC bus tie hasnot occurred:Landassoonaspossible.DC bus tie has occurred (only the RECT OFF caution willbe on):1. PDP’s—Check.2. Land as soon as practicable.NO. 1 and NO. 2 RECT OFF CautionsIf both transformer rectifiers fail, perform the following:1. Landassoonaspossible.2.712 EMER ENG TRIM — Adjust.If unable to land, proceed as follows:1. Airspeed — below 100 KIAS.2. Altitude — below 6000 feet PA..3. AFCS — OFF.4. PDP’s — Check circuit breakers in.5. DC Crosstie circuit breakers on both No. 1 andNo. 2 PDPs — Pull out.6. DC Equipment — OFF or pull out circuitbreakers.7. Landassoonaspossible.
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