TM 1-1520-240-CLP-7Reversionary (if engine does not start in PRI and all otherindications are normal):1-4.1. DECU PRE-START BIT — Perform.2. PRI/REV switch — REV3. ENG COND Lever — GND.4. ENG START switch — Start and hold until N1accelerates to 10 % then release.5. Engine instruments — Check when stabilized atground idle (N1 50 to 60%). Check engine oilpressure for 5 psi minimum. The engine shouldaccelerate to ground idle speed within 45seconds.6. DECU BIT — Check 88s (if other than 88,consult DECU Fault Code List/Matrix).7. FADEC PRI/REV switch — PRI.Second engine — Start by using the same method asfirst engine.714A DECU START BIT1. ENG COND levers — Retard 5 degrees.F2. DECU display — Check display read 88 (if otherthan 88, consutl DECU Fault Code List/Matrix)..3. ENG COND levers — FLT.FUEL PUMP AND XFEED CHECKFUEL PUMP and XFEED check operation as follows:1. All FUEL PUMP switches — OFF. Check L andR FUEL PRESS caution capsules should comeon.2. L AFT MAIN FUEL PUMP switch — ON. CheckL and R FUEL PRESS caution capsules shouldgo out. Then switch OFF.3. Remaining MAIN FUEL PUMP switches —Check as in step 2 above.4. L AFT AUX FUEL PUMP switch — ON. CheckL AUX PRESS light on overhead panel come on,then goes out. Set pump switch to OFF.
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