TM 1-1520-240-CLP-85. Remaining three AUX FUEL PUMP’s — Checkas in step 4, except check R AUX PRESS lighton, then off, for R AUX FUEL PUMP switches.714A FADEC Reversionary system — Check Firstflight of the day.1. FADEC 1 and 2 PRI-REV switches — PRI.2. NR% switch — 100%.3. FADEC 1— Check as follows:a. FADEC 1 PRI-REV switch — REV.b. FADEC 1 INC - DEC switch — DEC. Checkfor decrease in No. 1 engine N1 and torque,and corresponding increase in No. 2 engineN1 and torque.c. FADEC 1 INC - DEC switch — INC. Checkfor increase in No. 1 engine N1 and torque,and corresponding decrease in No. 2 engineN1 and torque.d. FADEC 1 PRI-REV switch — PRI.4. Repeat check for FADEC 2.Transponder Check and Set.1. Move the MASTER switch from OFF to STBY.If the aircraft is so equipped, observe that theSTBY light on the aircraft advisory panel comeson. Also, note that the NO GO light is on.2. Allow 2 minutes for warmup.3. Select the codes assigned for use in modes 1and 3/A by depressing and releasing thepushbutton for each switch until the desirednumber shows.4. Operate the PRESS-TO-TEST feature of thelamp indicators.5. Place the ANT switch BOT.6. Move the MASTER switch from STBY toNORM.7. Hold the M-11 switch to TEST, observe that theTEST/GO indicator lights.
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