TM 55-1520-240-PMPHASE NO. _____Area Name and No.Aircraft Serial No.DateCOCKPIT AREA #10InspectPhaseNo’sInspection RequirementsStatusFaults and/or RemarksAction TakenInitialALL10.26 Forward transmission torque boxstructure for buckling, cracks, damage,corrosion, and loose or missing rivets.ALL/C10.27 Forward transmission main lubefilter for extended warning indicator.ALL10.28 Pilot’s and copilot’s safety beltsand harness for damage, corrosion,fraying, cuts, oil soaking, security.ALL/C10.29 Pilot’s and copilot’s shoulderharness inertia reels for security andproper operation.ALL10.30 Pilot’s and copilot’s seatadjustment mechanisms for wear,cleanliness, security, and ease ofoperation. Pay particular attention toforward adjustment handle carriagebearing bracket.ALL10.31 Pilot’s and copilot’s seatupholstery and cushions for security,cleanliness, wear, tears, and cuts."FOD REMINDER"Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance and inspection.2-74
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