TM 55-1520-240-T4-5.2GAS PRODUCER CONTROL SYSTEM VISUAL CHECK4-5.2INITIAL SETUPReferences:Applicable Configurations:TM 55-1520-240-23Without 74Equipment Condition:Tools:TM 55-1520-240-23:Aircraft Mechanic's Tool Kit,Battery DisconnectedNSN 5180-00-323-4692Electrical Power OffMaterials:Hydraulic Power OffNoneNo. 1 and No. 2 Engine Work Platforms OpenNo. 1 and No. 2 Engine Access Covers OpenPersonnel Required:Medium Helicopter RepairerTASKRESULT1.Check engine quadrant (1). If quadrant is loose or damaged, tighten or replace it asrequired. If levers (2 or 3) are damaged, replace control.2.Check No. 1 gas producer control box (4). If box (4) is loose or damaged, tighten or replace it asrequired. If wiring or electrical connectors to box aredamaged, repair or replace as required.3.Check No. 2 gas producer control box (5). If box (5) is loose or damaged, tighten or replace it asrequired. If wiring or electrical connectors to box aredamaged, repair or replace as required.4.Check No. 1 engine gas producer actuator (6).If actuator (6) is loose or damaged, tighten or replace it asrequired. If rod (7) is damaged, replace it. If electricalconnector to actuator is loose, tighten it.5.Check No. 2 engine gas producer actuator (6).If actuator (6) is loose or damaged, tighten or replace it asrequired. If rod (7) is damaged, replace it. If electricalconnector to actuator is loose, tighten it.FOLLOW-ON MAINTENANCE:NoneEND OF TASKChange 17 4-95
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