TM 55-1520-240-T7-2.4 UTILITY HYDRAULIC SYSTEM OPERATIONAL CHECK7-2.4INITIAL SETUPElectrical Power OffApplicable Configurations:Hydraulic Power OffAllNo. 1 and No. 2 Flight Control Systems Serviced.Tools:Flight Controls Connected and RiggedAircraft Mechanic's Tool Kit,Control Locks and Rig Pins RemovedNSN 5180-00-3234692Visual Check of Utility Hydraulic System PerformedMaterials:(Task 7-2.3)NoneGeneral Safety Instructions:Personnel Required:Medium Helicopter Repairer (2)Rotary Wing Aviator (2)WARNINGReferences:TM 55-1520-240-10Keep hands away from flight controls.TM 55-1520-240-123Application of hydraulic power willcause flight controls to move and rotorEquipment Condition:blades to flap. Injury to personnel canTM 55-1520-240-23:occur.Battery ConnectedTASKRESULT1.Checkthat HYDRAULICS OIL LEVEL circuit breakerIf circuit breaker (1) is open, close it. If it opens again, go(1)is Task 7-2.5.2. Press and hold LEVEL CHECK switch (2). CheckPointer on indicator (3) shall move upscale and indicateindication on UTILITY RESERVOIR LEVEL indicatorlevel of fluid in reservoir. If pointer does not move, go to(3).Task 7-2.6. If pointer moves and indicates low level,service utility hydraulic system. Refer to TM 55-1520-240-23.3. Release LEVEL CHECK switch (2).4. Set BATT switch (4) to ON.5. Check UTIL HYD SYS capsule (5), NO. 1HYD FLTCapsules (5, 18 and 19) shall be on. If capsule (5) is not,CONTR(Without 74) HYD 1(With 74) capsule (18) go to Task 7-2.7 or 7-2.7.1. If capsule (18 or 19) is not on,andNO. 2 HYD FLT CONTR(Without 74) HYD 2 (Withgo to Task 7-1.14.74 )capsule (19).6.Start APU.Refer to Task 15-1.5. CHECK UTIL HYDUTIL HYD SYS capsule (5) shall go out. If it is on, checkSYS capsule (5).UTILITY HYDRAULICS indicator (10) and record indica-tion. Shut down APU and go to Task 7-2.8.7.Checkthat HYDRAULICS PWR XFR UTIL BLOWER,If any circuit breaker (6, 7, 8, or 9) is open, close it. If PWRAND UTIL SYS CONT and UTIL HYD COOLINGXFR circuit breaker (6) is open, close it. If it opens again,BLOWER circuit breakers (6, 7, 8, and 9)are closed.go to Task 7-2.9. If UTIL BLOWER circuit breaker (7)opens again, go to Task 7-2.10. If UTIL SYS CONT circuitbreaker (8) opens again, go to Task 7-3.7. If UTIL HYDCOOLING BLOWER (9) opens again, go to Task 7-2.11.TASKRESULT8.Check UTILITY HYDRAULICS indicator (10).Indicator (10) shall indicate 3200to3500 psi and pointershall not fluctuate more than 50psi. If indicator does notindicate 3200to3500 psi go to Task 7-2.8 if pointerfluctuates more than 50 psi, go to Task 8-7.3.9.Check UTILITY PRESS and RTN FILTER lights (11If light (11 or 12) is on, go to Task 7-2.12.and 12).10.Check APU FAULT light (13).If light (13) is on, go to Task 7-2.13.11.Press and release UTILITY PRESS and RTN FILTERLights (11, 12, 13, and 14) shall momentarily come on. Iflights (11 and 12) and APU and UT PUMP FAULTany light does not come on, go to Task 7-2.14.lights (13 and 14).12.Set FLT CONTR switch (17) to BOTH. Set POWER XFRNO. 1 HYD FLT CONTR and NO. 2 HYD FLT CONTRNO. 1 and POWER XFR NO. 2 switches (15 and 16) to(Without 74) HYD 1 and HYD 2 (With 74) capsules (18ON.and 19) shall go out. If either capsule is still on, go to Task7-2.15.13.Move pilot's pitch and roll control and thrust leverControl and lever (19 and 20) travel shall be smooth. NO.(20 and 21)through their travel range.1 and NO. 2 HYD FLT CONTR (Without 74) HYD 1 andHYD 2 (With 74 ) capsules (18 and 19) shall stay out.Pointer on UTILITY HYDRAULICS TEMPERATURE indi-cator (22), shall move upscale and not exceed 95C. Ifeither capsule comes on, go to Task 7-2.16. If indicatorpointer exceeds 95C, go to Task 7-2.17.14.Have pilot start engines and establish 100% rotor rpm.Indicator (10) shall indicate 2900to3200psi and shall notStop APU. Check UTILITY HYDRAULICS indicatorfluctuate more than 50 psi. If indicator does not indicate(10).2900to3200psior if pointer fluctuates more than 50 psi,replace utility hydraulic pump.15.Check UTILITY PRESS and RTN FILTER lights (11If light (11 or 12) is on, go to Task 7-2.12.and 12).16.Check UT PUMP FAULT light (14).If light (14) is on, go to Task 7-2.13.17. Remove heater compartment acoustic blanket. Refer toTM 55-1520-240-23.18. Have pilot stop engines and start APU.GO TO NEXT PAGE7-80 Change 17
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