TM 55-1520-240-T8-6.3TORQUE INDICATING SYSTEM OPERATIONAL CHECK (Continued)8-6.3TASK1.Checkthat ENGINE NO. 1 AC TORQUE circuitbreaker (1)is closed.2.Checkthat ENGINE NO. 1 DC TORQUE circuitbreaker (2)is closed.3.Checkthat ENGINE NO. 2 AC TORQUE circuitbreaker (3)is closed.4.Checkthat ENGINE NO. 2 DC TORQUE circuitbreaker (4)is closed.5.CheckNo. 2 pointer on pilot (5) and copilot (6)torque indicators.NOTEIf pointer is spinning, have helpermanually turn rotor blades untilspinning stops. If spinning continuesafter one revolution of the blades, go tonext step.6.Check No. 1 pointer on pilot (5) and copilot (6) torqueindicators.NOTEIf pointer is spinning, have helpermanually turn rotor blades untilspinning stops. If spinning continuesafter one revolution of blades, go tonext step.NOTEIf torque signal simulator LTCT 24137-03 is not available, do not performsteps 7 thru 10. Go to step 11.7.Install torque signal simulator LTCT 24137-03 onNo. 1engine.Reference operating manual 5855A.8.Check No. 1 engine torque indication using torquesignal simulator LTCT 24137-03.Referenceoperating manual 5855A.9.Install torque signal simulator LTCT 24137-03 onNo. 2 engine.Reference operating manual 5855A.10. Check No. 2 engine torque indication using torquesignal simulator LTCT 24137-03.Referenceoperating manual 5855A.11. Have pilot start both engines and stabilize rotors atground idle.12. Have pilot perform TORQUE DIFFERENTIALCHECK. (Ref TM 55-1520-240-MTF.)RESULTIf ENGINE NO. 1 AC TORQUEcircuit breaker (1) is open,close it. If it opens again, go to task 8-6.4.If ENGINE NO. 1 DC TORQUEcircuit breaker (2) is open,close it. If it opens again, go to task 8-6.5.If ENGINE NO. 2 AC TORQUE circuit breaker (3) is open,close it. If it opens again, go to task 8-6.4.If ENGINE NO. 2 DC TORQUE circuit breaker (4) is open,close it. If it opens again, go to task 8-6.5.No. 2 pointer on both torque indicators (5 and 6) shall bebelow 10%. If not, adjust torque indicator to zero. (RefTM 55-1520-240-23.)No. 1 pointer on both torque indicators (5 and 6) shall bebelow 10%. If not, adjust torque indicator to zero. (RefTM 55-1520-240-23.)No. 1 pointer on pilots and copilots torque indicators (5and 6) shall read 2% of simulator selector switch value.If it does not, go to task 8-6.8.No. 2 pointer on pilots and copilots torque indicators (5and 6) shall read 2% of simulator selector switch value.If it does not, go to task 8-6.9.TASK13. Check No. 1 and No. 2 pointers on pilot and copilottorque indicators (5 and 6).14. Have pilot shut down both engines.FOLLOW-ON MAINTENANCE:TM 55-1520-240-23:Battery disconnected.Electrical power off.Hydraulic power off.RESULTNo. 1 pointer on both torque indicators (5 and 6) shallindicate required torque. If not, go to task 8-6.6.If No. 1 pointer on both torque indicators (5 and 6) rotatesclockwise or counterclockwise continuously, replace No.1 engine torquemeter kit (junction box, output shaft, andhead assembly). Ref TM 55-2840-254-23.If No. 1 pointer on both torque indicators (5 and 6)operates erratically, go to task 8-6.10 if Lycoming On WingComparator LTCT 28295-01 is available. If it is not, go totask 8-6.6.No. 2 pointer on both torque indicators (5 and 6) shallindicate required torque, if not, go to task 8-6.7.If No. 2 pointer on both torque indicators (5 and 6) rotatescontinuously, replace No. 2 engine torquemeter kit(junction box, output shaft and head assembly). RefTM 55-2840-254-23.If No. 2 pointer on both torque indicators (5 and 6)operates erratically, go to task 8-6.11 if Lycoming On WingComparator LTCT 28295-01 is available. If it is not, go totask 8-6.7.END-OF-TASKChange 19 8-106.1
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