TM 55-1520-240-T8-6.3.1 TORQUE INDICATING SYSTEM OPERATIONAL CHECK (Continued)8-6.3.1TASK1.Checkthat ENGINE NO. 1 AC TORQUE circuit breaker(2)is closed.2.Checkthat ENGINE NO. 1 DC TORQUE circuit breaker(1)is closed.3.Checkthat ENGINE NO. 2 AC TORQUE circuit breaker(3)is closed.4.Checkthat ENGINE NO. 2 DC TORQUE circuit breaker(4)is closed.5.Check No. 2 pointer on pilot (5) and copilot (6) torqueIndicators.NOTEIf pointer is spinning, have helpermanually turn rotor blades until spinningstops. If spinning continues after onerevolution of the blades, go to next step.6.Check No. 1 pointer on pilot (5) and copilot (6) torqueindicators.NOTEIf pointer is spinning, have helpermanually turn rotor blades until spinningstops. If spinning continues after onerevolution of blades, go to next step.7.Install electric torquemeter flight line test set on theaircraft.Reference operating manual SE-876-01-1006.8.Perform an AIRCRAFT SYSTEM TEST.Referenceoperating manual SE-876-01-1006.9.After completion of test(s), remove electric flight linetest set from the aircraft.Reference operating manualSE-876-01-1006.RESULTIf ENGINE NO. 1 AC TORQUE circuit breaker (2) is open,close it. If it opens again, go to task 8-6.4.If ENGINE NO. 1 DC TORQUE circuit breaker (1) is open,close it. If it opens again, go to task 8-6.5.1.If ENGINE NO. 2 AC TORQUE circuit breaker (3) is open,close it. If it opens again, go to task 8-6.4.If ENGINE NO. 2 DC TORQUE circuit breaker (4) is open,close it. If it opens again, go to task 8-6.5.1.No. 2 pointer on both torque indicators (5 and 6) shall bebelow 10%. If not, adjust torque indicator to zero. (RefTM 55-1520-240-23.)No. 1 pointer on both torque indicators (5 and 6) shall bebelow 10%. If not, adjust torque indicator to zero. (RefTM 55-1520-240-23.)Continue the tests or replace LRUs, depending upon theresults of the AIRCRAFT SYSTEM TEST. Referenceoperating manual SE-876-01-1006.FOLLOW-ON MAINTENANCE:TM 55-1520-240-23:Battery disconnected.Electrical power off.Hydraulic power off.END OF TASKChange 19 8-107
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