TM 55-1520-240-T8 - 9 . 2 T R A N S M I S S I O N O I L P R E S S U R E I N D I C A T I N G A N D W A R N I NGSYSTEM VISUAL CHECK (Continued)8 - 9 . 2TASKRESULTTASKRESULT1. Check XMSN OIL Press indicator (1).If indicator (1) is loose or damaged, tightenor replace it as required.CHECK AFT TRANSMISSION OIL PRESSURE INDICATINGAND WARNING SYSTEM INSTALLATION2. Check XMSN OIL Press switch (2).If switch (2) is loose or damaged, tighten orreplace it as required.3. Check six MAIN OIL PRESSIf any light (3) or (4) is damaged, replace it.Lights (3) and three AUX PRESSLights (4).CHECK FORWARD TRANSMISSION OIL PRESSURE INDICATINGAND WARNING SYSTEM INSTALLATION4. Check pressure transducer (5).If transducer (5) is damaged, replace it.If wiring or electrical connector to transducer isdamaged, repair or replace it as required. Ifhose to transducer is loose or damaged, tightenor replace it as required.5. Check main oil pressure switch (6).6. Check auxiliary oil pressure switch (7).If switch (6) is damaged, replace it. If wiringor electrical connector to switch is damaged,repair or replace it as required.If switch (7) is damaged, replace it. If wiringor electrical connector to switch is damaged,repair or replace it as required.7. Check pressure transducer (8).If transducer (8) is damaged, replace it. Ifwiring or electrical connector to transduceris damaged, repair or replace it as required.If hose to transducer is loose or damaged,tighten or replace it as required.8. Check main oil pressure switch (9).9. Check auxiliary oil pressure switch (10).If switch (9) is damaged, replace it. If wiring orelectrical connector to switch is damaged,repair or replace it as required.If switch (10) is damaged, replace it. Ifwiring or electrical connector to switch isdamaged, repair or replace it as required.GO TO NEXT PAGE8 - 1 55
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