TM 55-1520-240-T8 - 9 . 3 T R A N S M I S S I O N O I L P R E S S U R E I N D I C A T I N G A N D W A R N I N G S Y S T E M O P E R A T I O N A L C H E CK8 - 9 . 3INITIAL SETUPApplicable Configurations:AllTools:NoneMaterials:NonePersonnel Required:Aircraft Electrician (2)Rotary Wing Aviator (2)References:TM 55-1520-240-10TM 55-1520-240-23Equipment Condition:TM 55-1520-240-23:Battery ConnectedElectrical Power OnHydraulic Power OffVisual Check of Transmission Oil PressureIndicating and Warning System PerformedTASKRESULTCHECK TRANSMISSION AUXILIARY OIL PRESSURE WARNING SYSTEM1.Check that XMSN AUX OIL PRESS capsule (1) is lit.2. Check that three TRANSMISSION AUX OIL PRESSlights (2) are Iit.3. Disconnect plug from forward transmission auxiliaryoil pressure switch (3).4.Disconnect plug from aft transmission auxiliary oilpressure switch (4).5. Disconnect plug from combining transmission auxil-iary oil pressure switch (5).If capsule (1) is not lit, go to task 8-9.4.If any light (2) is not on, go to task 8-9.5.FWD TRANSMISSION AUX OIL PRESS light (2) shallgo out, If it is still on, go to task 8-9.6.AFT TRANSMISSION AUX OIL light (2) shallgo out. If it is still on, go to task 8-9.6.COMB TRANSMISSION AUX OIL PRESS light (2)shall go out. If it is still on, go to task 8-9.6.XMSN AUX OIL PRESS capsule (1) shall go out. If itis still on, go to task 8-9.7.TASKRESULT6. pin 2 in forward transmission auxiliary oilpressure switch (3) plug to ground with a wire.Remove wire.Short pin 2 in aft transmission auxiliary oil pressureswitch (4) plug to ground with a wire.Remove wire.Short pin 2 in combining transmission auxiliary oilpressure switch (5) plug to ground with a wire.Remove wire.Press and release each TRANSMISSION AUX OILPRESS light (2).Connect plugs to combining transmission, aft trans-mission, and forward transmission auxiliary oilpressure switches (5, 4, and 3).XMSN AUX OIL PRESS capsule (1) shall come on.FWD TRANSMISSION AUX OIL PRESS light (2) shallcome on. If capsule (1) does not come on, go totask 8-9.8.Capsule (1) and light (2) shall go out.XMSN AUX OIL PRESS capsule (1) shall come on.AFT TRANSMISSION AUX OIL PRESS light (2) shallcome on. If capsule (1) does not come on, go totask 8-9.8.Capsule (1) and light (2) shall go out.XMSN AUX OIL PRESS capsule (1) shall come on.COMB TRANSMISSION AUX OIL PRESS light (2)shall come on. If capsule (1) does not come on, goto task 8-9.8.Capsule (1) and light (2) shall go out.Each light (2) shall come on when pressed. If itdoes not, go to task 8-9.9.XMSN AUX OIL PRESS capsule (1) shall come on.FWD, COMB, and AFT TRANSMISSION AUX OILPRESS lights (2) shall come one.CHECK TRANSMISSION MAIN OIL PRESSURE WARNING SYSTEM14. Check that XMSN OIL PRESS capsule (6) is lit.If capsule (6) is not lit, go to task 8-9.10.NOTEAFT TRANSMISSION MAIN OILPRESS light may take 5 to 7seconds to come on.15. Check that six TRANSMISSION MAIN OIL PRESSIf any light is not on, go to task 8-9.11.lights (7) are lit.8-158Change 12GO TO NEXT PAGE
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