TM 55-1520-240-T8-93TRANSMISSION OIL PRESSURE INDICATING AND WARNING SYSTEM OPERATIONAL CHECK (Continued)8-9.3TASKRESULT16.Disconnect plug from forward transmissionFWD TRANSMISSION MAIN OIL PRESS light (7) shallmain oil pressure switch (8).go out. If it is still on, go to task 8-9.12.17.Disconnect plug from aft transmission main oilAFT TRANSMISSION MAIN OIL PRESS light (7) shallpressure switch (9).go out. If it is still on, go to task 8-9.12.18.Disconnect plug from combining transmissionCOMB TRANSMISSION MAIN OIL PRESS light (7)main oil pressure switch (10).shall go out. If it is still on, go to task 8-9.12.19.Disconnect plug from No. 1 (left) engine trans-LEFT TRANSMISSION MAIN OIL PRESS light (7) shallmission oil pressure switch (11).go out. If it is still on, go to task 8-9.12.20.Disconnect plug from No. 2 (right) engine trans-RIGHT TRANSMISSION MAIN OIL PRESS light (7)mission oil pressure switch (11).shall go out. If it is still on, go to task 8-9.12.21.Disconnect plug from aft shaft oil pressureAFT SHAFT MAIN OIL PRESS light (7) shall go out.switch (12).If it is still on, go to task 8-9.12. XMSN oil presscapsule (6) shall go out. If it is still on, go totask 8-9.13.22.Short pin 2 in aft shaft oil pressure switch (12) XMSN OIL PRESS capsule (6) shall come on. AFTplug to ground with a wire.SHAFT MAIN OIL PRESS light (7) shall come on. Ifcapsule (6) does not come on, go to task 8-9.14.23.Remove wire.Capsule (6) and light (7) shall go out.24.Short pin 2 in No. 2 engine (right) transmissionXMSN OIL PRESS capsule (6) shall come on. RIGHToil pressure switch (11) plug to ground with aTRANSMISSION MAIN OIL PRESS light (7) shallwire.come on. If capsule (6) does not come on, go totask 8-9.14.25.Remove wire.Capsule (6) and light (7) shall go out.26.Short pin 2 in No. 1 engine (left) transmissionXMSN OIL PRESS capsule (6) shall come on. LEFToil pressure switch (11) plug to ground with aTRANSMISSION MAIN OIL PRESS light (7) shallwire.come on. If capsule (6) does not come on, go totask 8-9.14.27.Remove wire.Capsule (6) and light (7) shall go out.28.Short pin 2 in combining transmission main oilXMSN OIL PRESS capsule (6) shall come on. COMBpressure switch (10) plug to ground with a wire.TRANSMISSION MAIN OIL PRESS light (7) shallcome on. If capsule (6) does not come on, go totask 8-9.14.29.Remove wire.Capsule (6) and light (7) shall go out.TASKRESULT30.Short pin 2 in aft transmission main oil pressureXMSN OIL PRESS capsule (6) shall come on. AFTswitch (9) plug to ground with a wire.TRANSMISSION MAIN OIL PRESS light (7) shallcome on. If capsule (6) does not come on, go totask 8-9.14.31.Remove wire.Capsule (6) and light (7) shall go out.32.Short pin 2 in forward transmission main oilXMSN OIL PRESS capsule (6) shall come on. FWDpressure switch (8) plug to ground with a wire.TRANSMISSION MAIN OIL PRESS light (7) shallcome on. If capsule (6) does not come on, go totask 8-9.14.33.Remove wire.Capsule (6) and light (7) shall go out.34.Press and release each TRANSMISSION MAINEach light (7) shall come on when pressed. If it doesOIL PRESS light (7).not, go to task 8-9.15.35.Connect plugs to forward, aft, combining, No. 1XMSN OIL PRESS capsule (6) shall come on. FWD,(left) and No. 2 (right) engine transmission pres-COMB, AFT, LEFT, RIGHT, and AFT SHAFT TRANS-sure switches (8, 9, 10, and 11) and aft shaftMISSION MAIN OIL PRESS lights (7) shall come on.pressure switch (12).GO TO NEXT PAGE8-160 Change 4
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