TM 55-1520-240-T13-1.4 HEATING AND VENTILATING SYSTEM OPERATIONAL CHECK13-1.4INITIAL SETUPEquipment Condition:Applicable Configurations:TM 55-1520-240-23:AllBattery ConnectedTools:Electrical Power OnStopwatchHydraulic Power OffMaterialsHeater Air Inlet Protective Shield RemovedNoneHeater Exhaust Outlet Protective Shield RemovedVisual Check of Heating and Ventilating SystemPersonnel Required:PerformedMedium Helicopter RepairerReferences:TM 55-1520-240-23TASKRESULT1.Checkthat CABIN HEATER CONTcircuit breaker (1) isIf circuit breaker (1) is open, close it. If it opens again, Task 13-1.5.2.Checkthat CABIN HEATER BLOWER circuit breakerIf circuit breaker (2) is open, close it. If it opens again, go(2)is Task 13-1.6.WARNINGCockpit vents must be closed before ventblower or heater is started. After blower orheater is started open vents slowly toprevent dirt and debris being blasted into airand eyes of personnel.3.Checkthat DEFOG or DEFROST AIR CONTROLIf handle (3) is up, push it down.handle (3)is all way down.4.Checkthat PULL FOR COCKPIT AIR knob (4)on pilotIf either knob (4) is out, push it in.and copilot instrument panel is against panel.5.Set RIGHT SIDE FWD and AFT MAIN FUEL PUMPSR FUEL PRESS capsule (7) shall go out. If it stays on, goswitches (5 and 6) to Task 10-2.4.6.Set heater fan switch (8) to VENT. Blower only.Heater fan shall run. If it can not be heard, go toTask 13-1.7.7.Slowly pull out DEFOG or DEFROST AIR CONTROLAir shall be felt flowing from pilot and copilot jettisonablehandle(3).door defroster ducts (9) and nose bubble vents (10). If airflow is not felt at ducts or vents, go to Task 13-1.8.8.Slowly pull out PULL FOR COCKPIT AIR knob (4) onAir shall be felt flowing from pilot's outlet (11). If air flow ispilot's instrument panel.not felt, go to Task 13-1.9.9.Slowly pull out PULL FOR COCKPIT AIR knob (4)onAir shall be felt flowing from copilot's outlet (11). If air flowcopilot's instrument not felt, go to Task 13-1.9.10. Slowly pull out CABIN AIR AIR CONTROL handleAir shall be felt flowing out cabin vents (13). If air flow is(12).not felt, go to Task 13-1.10.11. Set heater fan switch (8) to HEATER ON.Heater fan shall stop.12. Turn CABIN TEMP SELECTOR knob (14) to WARMER.TASKRESULT13. Press and release HEATER START switch (15).Heater fan shall be heard. After about 10 seconds,NOTEcombustion shall occur and warm air shall flow from all ventsHeater will not operate if cabin thermostatand ducts. If heater fan can not be heard, go to Task 13-1.11.senses a temperature of 34° C(93° F) or greater.If heater fan is running but warm air is not flowingfrom ducts or vents, go to Task 13-1.12. If HEATER HOT(Without 74) HTR HOT (With 74) capsule (16) comeson, go to Task 13-1.13.14. Turn CABIN TEMP SELECTOR (14) to COLDER posi-Cooler air shall be felt flowing from ducts and vents. If airtion.doesn't get cooler or air gets hotter, go to Task 13-1.14.15. Set heater fan switch (8) to off (center).Heater fan shall run until heater cools down. If fan is notrunning after heater is turned off, go to Task 13-1.15.16. Set RIGHT SIDE FWD and AFT MAIN FUEL PUMPswitches (5 and 6) to OFF.FOLLOW-ON MAINTENANCE:TM 55-1520-240-23:Electrical power off.Battery disconnected.GO TO NEXT PAGE13-6 Change 23
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