TM 55-1 520-240-T10-2.2 FUEL BOOST PUMP SYSTEM VISUAL CHECK10-2.2(Continued)TASKRESULT1. On FUEL CONTROL panel, check LEFTIf switches (1, 2, 3, and 4) are loose or damaged,SIDE AFT AUX, FWDand AFT MAIN,tighten or replace them as required.and FWD AUX boost pump switches (1, 2,3, and 4).2. On FUEL CONTROL panel, check LEFTIf light (5) is loose or damaged, tighten or replaceSIDE AUX PRESSlight (5).it as required.3. On FUEL CONTROL panel, check RIGHTIf switches (6, 7, 8, and 9) are loose or damaged,SIDE AFT AUX, FWDand AFT MAIN,tighten or replace them as required.and FWD AUX boost pump switches (6, 7,8, and 9).4. On FUEL CONTROL panel, check RIGHTIf light (10) is loose or damaged, tighten or replaceSIDE AUX PRESSlight (10).it as required.5. On left FWD AUX tank access panel, checkIf connector (11) is loose or damaged, tighten orwiring and connector (11).replace it as required. If wiring to connector isdamaged, repair or replace as required.6. On left MAIN tank forward access panel,If connector (11) is loose or damaged, tighten orcheck wiring and connector (11).replace it as required. If wiring to connector isdamaged, repair or replace as required.7. On left MAIN tank aft access panel, checkIf connector (11) is loose or damaged, tighten orwiring and connector (11).replace it as required. If wiring to connector isdamaged, repair or replace as required.8. On left AFT AUX tank access panel, checkIf connector (11) is loose or damaged, tighten orwiring and connector (11).replace it as required. If wiring to connector isdamaged, repair or replace as required.9. On right FWD AUX tank access panel, checkIf connector (11) is loose or damaged, tighten orwiring and connector (11).replace it as required. If wiring to connector isdamaged, repair or replace as required.10. On right MAIN tank forward access panel,If connector (11) is loose or damaged, tighten orcheck wiring and connector (11).replace it as required. If wiring to connector isdamaged, repair or replace as required.11. On right MAIN tank aft access panel, checkIf connector (11) is loose or damaged, tighten orwiring and connector (11).replace it as required. If wiring to connector isdamaged, repair or replace as required.12. On right AFT AUX tank access panel, checkIf connector (11) is loose or damaged, tighten orwiring and connector (11).replace it as required. If wiring to connector isdamaged, repair or replace as required.TASKRESULT13. Check right fuel control relay box (12).If box (12) is loose or damaged, tighten or replaceit as required. If either connector to box (12) isloose or damaged, tighten or replace it as re-quired. If wiring to either connector is damaged,repair or replace it as required.14. Check right fuel pump thermister controlIf control (13) is loose or damaged, tighten or re-(13).place it as required. If connector to control is looseor damaged, tighten or replace it as required. Ifwiring to connector is damaged, repair or replaceit as required.15. Repeat steps 13 and 14 for left fuel controlrelay box (12) and left fuel pump thermistercontrol (13).FOLLOW-ON MAINTENANCE:TM 55-1520-240-23:Left and Right Forward Landing Gear Access Panels ClosedLeft and Right Aft Intertank Pod Panel ClosedEND OF TASKChange 2 10-41
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