TM 55-1520-240-T10-2.3 FUEL BOOST PUMP SYSTEM OPERATIONAL CHECK (Continued)10-2.331.32.Set RIGHT SIDE FWD AUX FUEL PUMPswitch (28) to ON. Have helper standbyright side fwd aux tank and listen for opera-tion of boost pump.Set RIGHT SIDE AFT AUX FUEL PUMPswitch (27) to ON. Have helper standbyright side aft aux tank and listen for operationof boost pump.AUX PRESS light (18) will go out. If not, go. totask 10-2.29.Fuel will transfer from RIGHT SIDE FWD AUXtank to RIGHT SIDE MAIN TANK. AUX PRESSlight (18) will come on when RIGHT SIDE FWDAUX tank is depleted. The fuel pump will shut offautomatically. If fuel pump continues running afterAUX PRESS light comes on and tank is empty,replace right side thermistor control box.AUX PRESS light (18) will go out. If not, go totask 10-2.28.Fuel will transfer from RIGHT SIDE AFT AUX tankto RIGHT SIDE MAIN TANK. AUX PRESS light(18) will come on when RIGHT SIDE AFT AUXtank is depleted. The fuel pump will shutoff auto-matically. If fuel pump continues running afterAUX PRESS light comes on and tank is empty,replace right side thermistor control box.TASKRESULTGO TO NEXT PAGEChange 310-44.1/(10-44.2 blank)
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