10-2.3 FUEL BOOST PUMP SYSTEM OPERATIONAL CHECK(Continued),TM 55-1520-240-T10-2.3TASKRESULTTASKRESULTCheck that LH FUEL PUMPS MAINFWD, MAIN AFT, AUX FWD, and AUXAFT AC circuit breakers (1,2,3, and 4)are closed.Check that LH FUEL PUMP CONT AUXAFT, MAIN AFT, MAIN FWD, and AUXFWD DC circuit breakers (5,6, 7, and 8)are closed.Check that RH FUEL PUMPS MAINFWD, MAIN AFT, AUX FWD, and AUXAFT AC circuit breakers (9, 10, 11, and12) are closed.Check that RH FUEL PUMP CONT AUXAFT, MAIN AFT, MAIN FWD, and AUXFWD, DC circuit breakers (13, 14, 15,and 16) are closed.Check that all FUEL PUMP switches (21,22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 27 and 28) on FUELCONTROL PANEL are set to OFF.Press and release LEFT SIDE AUXPRESSURE light (17).Press and release RIGHT SIDE AUXPRESSURE light (18).If circuit breaker (1) is open, close it, If it opensagain, go to Task 10-2.4. If circuit breaker (2) isopen, close it. If it opens again, go to Task 10-2.5,If circuit breaker (3) is open, close it. If it opensagain, go to Task 10-2.6. If circuit breaker (4) isopen, close it. If it opens again, go to Task 10-2.7.if circuit breaker (5) is open, ciose it, if it opensagain, go to Task 10-2.8. If circuit breaker (6) isopen, close it. If it opens again, go to Task 10-2.9If circuit breaker (7) is open, close it. If it opensagain, go to Task 10-2.10. If circuit breaker (8) isopen, close it. If it opens again, go to Task 10-2.11.If circuit breaker (9) is open, close it, If it opensagain, go to Task 10-2.12. If circuit breaker (10) isopen, close it, If it opens again, go to Task 10-2.13. If circuit breaker (11) is open, close it. If itopens again, go to Task 10-2.14. If circuit breaker(12) is open, close it. If it opens again, go to Task10-2.15.If circuit breaker (13) is open, close it. If it opensagain, go to Task 10-2.16. If circuit breaker (14) isopen, close it. If it opens again, go to Task 10-2.17. If circuit breaker (15) is open, close it. If itopens again, go to Task 10-2.18. If circuit breaker(16) is open, close it. If it opens again, go to Task10-2.19.If switches are ON, set them to OFF.AUX PRESSURE light (17) shall momentarilycome on. If it does not, go to Task 10-2.20.AUX PRESSURE light (18) shall momentarilycome on. If it does not, go to Task 10- inoperative fuel pump in maintanks cannot be detected unlessthe following methods, steps 8thru 17, are utilized. Flight opera-tions with an undeteced pumpfailure can result in engineflameout when operative pumpfails. This could result in loss ofhelicopter lift.Check that L FUEL PRESS capsule (19) islit.Check that R FUEL PRESS capsuIe (20)is lit.Have pilot start engines and stabilize rotors atground idle. Set eight FUEL PUMPswitches (21 through 28) to OFF.Set LEFT SIDE MAIN AFT FUEL PUMPswitch (21) to ON.Set LEFT SIDE MAIN AFT FUEL PUMPswitch (21) to OFF.Set LEFT SIDE MAIN FWD FUELPUMP switch (22) to ON.Set LEFT SIDE MAIN FWD FUELPUMP switch (22) to OFF.Set RIGHT SIDE MAIN FWD FUELPUMP switch (24) to ON.Set RIGHT SIDE MAIN FWD FUELPUMP switch (24) to OFF.Set RIGHT SIDE MAIN AFT FUELPUMP switch (23) to ON.Set RIGHT SIDE MAIN AFT FUELPUMP switch (23) to OFF.If capsule (19) is not lit, go to Task 10-2.21.If capsule (20) is not lit, go to Task 10-2.21.Capsule (19) shall go out. If not, go to Task 10-2.22.Capsule (19) shall come on. If not, go to Task 10-2.21.Capsule (19) shall go out. If not, go to Task 10-2.23.Capsule (19) shall come on. If not, go to Task 10-2.21.Capsule (20) shall go out. If not, go to Task 10-2.24.Capsule (20) shall come on. If not, go to Task 10-2.21.Capsule (20) shall go out. If not, go to Task 10-2.25.Capsule (20) shall come on. If not, go to Task 10-2.21.GO TO NEXT PAGEChange 210-43
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