TM 55-1560-307-13&PINSPECTION1.Visually inspect threads on new indicator tube.2.Check threads on nut (3).3.Ensure that new indicator tube has packinginstalled on upper groove.INSTALLATION1.Install tube (5)2.Install washer (4) and nut (3), and tighten nut.3.Install float (2) and retainer (1).3-21.DUMP VALVE. Replace dump valve.This task covers:a. Removal.b. Inspection.c. Installation.INITIAL SETUPTools:Bonney Wrench, Drift, Hammer,3/4 in. Box-End WrenchMaterials/Parts:Dump Valve (31, Fig C-3), Appx CFlashlight (explosion proof)Gaskets (30, Fig C-3), Appx CEquipmentConditions:Refer to Figure 3-11.Tank must be empty and separatefrom other tanksTank access cover removed.Tank grounded.Tank must be purged. Refer toChapter 3, paragraph 3-25.GENERAL SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSWARNINGInjury to personnel and equip- mentmay occur if the purging maintenanceprocedure above is not performed.The fuel vapor and air mixture in thetank can cause a violent explosionsetoff by sparks from tools beingdropped in tank.REMOVAL1.Remove dust cover (1).2.Remove nuts (2) and washers (3).3.Remove bolts (4) and flange (5).4.Remove gaskets (6).5.Remove pin (7) and lever (8).6.Remove setscrew (9) and block (10).7.Slide rod (11), yoke (12), and rod (13) downthrough support (14).8.Disconnect dump valve (15) from rod (13).INSPECTION1.Visually inspect all hardware removed.2.Inspect dump valve and disassemble as shown inFigure C-2, Appx C, if needed.INSTALLATION1.Install in reverse order of removal.2.Check for leaks after completion of work.3-30
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