TM 55-1560-307-13&PREMOVAL1.Disconnect electrical harness (1).2.Loosen nuts (2 and 3).3.Loosen nut (4).4.Remove clamps (5).5.Remove pump (6).6.Remove nipple (7) and discard packing.NOTE·Install new packing on nipple (7).·All 4 pumps on the system can be removedusing same procedure.INSPECTION1.Visually inspect new pump fittings for threaddamage.2.Inspect thread on hose assembly.3.Inspect wire harness for damage and cannon plugthreads before connecting harness plugs.INSTALLATION1.Install new packing on nipple fitting (7) and installfitting on pump.2.Install pump (6).3.Install clamps (5).4.Install nuts (4), (3), and (2) and tighten.5.Connect electrical wire (1).6.Test system for leaks. Refer to Chapter 2,paragraph 2-13, for pressure check.3-19. SUCTION AND DISCHARGE HOSES.REPLACE HOSE.This task covers:a. Removal.b. Inspection.c. Installation.INITIAL SETUPTools:Bonney WrenchesMaterial/Parts:Fuel Hose (22, 23, Fig C-2), Appx CEquipmentConditions:Refer to Figure 3-9.All ERFS tank cam levers CLOSED.All coupling valves CLOSED.All electrical power OFF.GENERAL SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSWARNINGELECTRICAL GROUNDING OF THEHELICOPTER. Army regulationsrequire the grounding of the helicopterwhen parked and during all fuelingand defueling operations. Noelectrical switches shall be operatedexcept those necessary for servicingduring fueling and defueling. Nosmoking or flame during all fuelingand defueling operations.3-26
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