TM 55-1560-307-13&PREMOVAL1.Disconnect discharge fuel hose (1), at FMCPquick disconnect coupling (2).2.Disconnect other end of hose at quick disconnect(3) to main tank coupling.3.Remove quick disconnect couplings (2 and 3)from hose to be replaced, and set aside for installationon new hose.4.Disconnect suction hose (4) at quick disconnectcoupling (5) at FMCP.5.Disconnect other end of hose at tee fitting (6).6.Remove couplings (5) from hose (4).INSPECTION1.Visually inspect new hose for kinks and obviousdamage to outer insulation.2.Inspect locknuts on new hose for thread damageand also damage to coupling fitting threads.INSTALLATION1.Install quick disconnect couplings (2 and 3) toboth ends of hose (1).2.Route long hose under tank skid carefully, andsecure quick disconnect (3) to main tank coupling first;then forward end to FMCP box coupling (2).3.Install quick disconnect couplings (5) on suctionhose (4).4.Install other end of hose (4) to tee (6).5.Secure end with quick disconnect coupling toFMCP box coupling.3-20. MAINTENANCE OF ERFS COMPONENTS.LIQUID LEVEL INDICATOR. REPLACE LIQUIDLEVEL INDICATOR.This task covers:a. Removal.b. Inspection.c. Installation.INITIAL SETUPTools:1-5/16 Crow FootMaterial/Parts:Adhesive (item 14, Appx D)Liquid Level Indicator (61, 62,Fig C-2), Appx CFlashlight (explosion proof)EquipmentConditions:Refer to Figure 3-10.ERFS tank must be empty and separatefrom other tanks.Tank access cover removed.Tank grounded.Tank must be purged. Refer to Chapter3, paragraph 3-25.GENERAL SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSWARNINGInjury to personnel and equipmentmay occur if the purging maintenanceprocedure above is not performed.The fuel vapor and air mixture in thetank can cause a violent explosionsetoff by sparks from tools beingdropped in tank.REMOVAL1.Remove retainer (1) and float (2).2.Remove nut (3) and washer (4).3.Remove tube (5).3-28
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