TM 55-1680-358-12&PSECTION III. ILLUSTRATED PARTS BREAKDOWN3-12. General.This Illustrated Parts Breakdown (IPB)lists, illustrates, and describes the items necessary tosupport and maintain the Helicopter Internal CargoHandling System, Part No. 18049 J 100, for the CH47Helicopter. The purpose of this IPB is to assistpersonnel with identification and for establishingrelationships between parts.3-13. Scope.The scope of the Illustrated PartsBreakdown is as follows:a.General.This paragraph contains descriptiveand user information. It provides an overview on how touse the Illustrated Parts Breakdown.b.Maintenance Parts List.This section contains abreakdown of assemblies and parts. It also includeskeyed illustrations of the end items that can bedisassembled, repaired, obtained from reclamation,supply channels, reinstalled, replaced, andreassembled. The listings for specific systems,components, groups, etc., are, when practical, in asequence compatible to the order in which suchsystems, components, groups, etc., are discussed in themaintenance sections. The Maintenance Parts List doesnot contain:(1)Parts and assemblies that are notrepairable or replaceable.(2)Parts which lose their identity by beingwelded, sealed, or joined to other pieces as a permanentassembly.(3)Parts made of bulk stock, such as lockwire, bonding braid, upholstery, cloth, friction tape,electrical wire, insulation, etc.(4)Support equipment, such as tools and testequipment.c.Numerical Index. This section contains the partnumbers of all parts listed in the Maintenance Parts List.3-14. Abbreviations and Symbols. The abbreviationsused in this Illustrated Parts Breakdown are inaccordance with Military Standard MII,STD-12.3-15. Operation and Maintenance Data.Refer toChapter 2 and Chapter 3, Section II for operation andmaintenance instructions.3-16. Indention.The items listed in the MaintenanceParts List are indented to indicate item relationship ornext higher assembly (NHA). The description of eachassembly is followed immediately (except for attachingparts) by the description of the detailed parts indentedone column to the right. This indention indicates therelationship of the part to the assembly. To determinethe next higher assembly of a part or assembly, note thecolumn in which the first word of the description begins.The first item directly above, which appears one columnto the left (except attaching parts) is the next higherassembly.3-17. Figure Cross-Reference Notes.The continuityof the parts listed, and their relationship to the completeassemblies or subassemblies covered by theMaintenance Parts List, are maintained by aparenthetical figure cross-reference note following thedescription of the part being referenced. These notesare as follows:a.(See figure ... for breakdown.)This statementindicates that the complete or continued detailedbreakdown of the part being referenced may be found inthe figure reference.b.(See figure ... for NHA.)This statementindicates that the part being referenced may be found inthe figure reference, with requirements and relationshipsto its next higher assembly indicated by columnindention.3-18. Parts Listed.In general, the assemblies andparts installed at the time the end item wasmanufactured are listed and identified in this manual.3-19. Attaching Parts.Screws, bolts, washers, nutsand other items which serve as attaching parts are listedimmediately following, and with the same indention asthe components they attach. Attaching parts are notlisted in disassembly sequence and are not part of thecomponents they attach unless so indicated. Thecaption (AP) appears in the description column followingthese attaching parts.3-3
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