TM 55-1680-358-12 & P3-20. Listing of Similar Assemblies. When similarassemblies contain approximately ninety percent ormore identical parts, the assemblies are combined andlisted as follows. Otherwise the assemblies are listedseparately.a.All assemblies (figure and index numbers, partnumbers, descriptions, quantities, codes) are listed first,followed by the detail parts.b.A part common to all assemblies in the samequantity is listed once.c.A part common to all assemblies in differentquantities is listed once for each quantity. It is alsoidentified as to which assembly each listing pertains.d.Peculiar parts are listed once. They are alsoidentified by a usable on code as to which assemblyeach pertains.3-21. Maintenance Parts List.The followinginformation applies to the Maintenance Parts List.a.Federal Supply Codes for Manufacturers(FSCM).Federal Supply Codes for Manufacturers(FSCM) are listed in the FSCM column. All codenumbers are in accordance with the Federal SupplyCode for Manufacturers Cataloging Handbook H4-1 andH4-2.b.Units per Assembly Column.The listings in thiscolumn indicate the quantity of parts required per nexthigher assembly. The abbreviation REF indicates thatthe part is listed for reference purposes only.c.Usable On Code.The usable on code columncontains codes to indicate the configurations of similarassemblies listed in and illustrated by a commonbreakdown. Commonly it is used to differentiatebetween components of leftand righ-hand assemblies.The absence of a usable on code in this columnindicates that parts so shown are usable asreplacements on all assemblies covered in theapplicable figure.3-22. Numerical Index.This index contains an alpha-numerical listing of all parts described in theMaintenance Parts List.3-23. Visual Index.Figure 3-1 provides an assembledview of the Helicopter Helicopter Internal CargoHandling System Assembly. A description of eachmajor component is provided. Also included are figurenumbers in which that component is broken down.Opposite hand assemblies are shown in the samefigure.3-24. How To Use This Illustrated Parts Breakdown.Refer to the following page for instructions in using theIllustrated Parts Breakdown.3-4
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