TM 55 6930-212-10
Table 7-2. Simulated Malfunction Details - Continued
Method of
Indications and effects on
Effects sensed by trainee
related systems as presented
if corrective action is
by instructor
to the instructor and trainee
not taken
UTL hydraulic
Transmission (utility hydraulic
Loss of utility
pump transmission
pump) does not operate.
Auxiliary tank
701 (R FWD)
AUX PRESS caution light illumi-
AUX PRESS caution light
boost pump fail
702 (R AFT)
nates and fuel in affected tanks
illuminates. Fuel in
704 (L FWD)
cannot be used. Fuel quantity
affected tanks cannot be
705 (L AFT)
indication remains constant for
used. Fuel quantity indi-
affected tank.
cation remains constant
for affected tank.
Main tank boost
703 (Right)
L or R FUEL PRESS caution light
If operations are being
pump fail
706 (Left)
illuminates. Fuel is supplied
conducted above 6.000 feet
(both pumps)
to engines from each main tank
pressure altitude, with
through a bypass check as long as
crossfeed fuel valve
aircraft is operated below 6,000
closed, fuel starvation to
feet pressure altitude. Auxiliary
affected engine results.
fuel tanks continue to transfer
fuel to main tanks.
Uneven fuel
707 (Left)
Fuel quantity indicator shows un-
Fuel quantity indicator
708 (Right)
even fuel distribution.
Gradual shows uneven fuel distri-
lateral CG shift occurs. This
bution. Gradual lateral
indicates loss of fuel from
CG shift occurs.
affected side and not an increase
in fuel consumption caused by the
engine (to simulate fuel leak
and/or being pumped overboard).