TM 1-1520-240-10
c. Press EDIT line-select
switch, then use CURSOR
and VALUE switches to
manually select an address
(NOTE: NET INOP advisory
is displayed if a selected
channel or net contains: no
data or corrupted data; or
hardware cannot support the
selected mode). Press mi-
crophone PTT switch CALL-
ING is displayed LINKED is
displayed with a short gong
tone and headset audio is re-
stored when link established.
Start transmission. The sys-
tem terminates the link and
returns to ALE scanning after
a period of inactivity (30 sec-
onds typical). GPS position
can also be transmitted by
using the steps above plus
the Transmit Position Report
ALE Link Protection
Time Sync
Press PTT switch or SYNC
line-select switch. System re-
turns to scan and the net de-
fault address if sync success-
ful, but if unsuccessful press
ABORT line-select switch to
return to ALE screen.
ECCM Net Initializa-
Set function switch to T/R
and mode switch to ECCM.
(NOTE: If ECCM data or
keys are not loaded for net
selected, a CHANNEL INOP
advisory is displayed). Set
channel/net switch to desired
net. If selected channel is an
ALE/ECCM channel, the ad-
dress of station being called
is displayed on line two.
(NOTE: NET INOP advisory
is displayed if selected chan-
nel or net contains: no or cor-
rupted data; or hardware
cannot support selected
mode. If screen displays UN-
TUNED or UNSYNC adviso-
ries proceed with system
Tune/Sync operation, other
wise proceed with ECCM op-
ECCM Tune/Sync
Press either TUNE line-select
switch or microphone PTT
switch to initiate combined
tune and sync. TUNING fol-
lowed by SYNCING is dis-
played during process. Sys-
tem, will return to ECCM
screen without UNTUNED
and/or UNSYNC advisories if
ECCM Operation
Use -SQL switch to set
squelch to TONE. Adjust
VOL control for comfortable
listening level. Use SQL +
switch to set squelch to 0. If
channel is noisy, set to 1.
Higher settings are not rec-
ommended for ECCM opera-
ECCM Operation -
Receiving Calls
ECCM Operations -
Press microphone PTT
switch. Wait for preamble
tones to cease then begin
communications. If an ALE/
ECCM channel is used,
CALLING is displayed while
call in process. LINKED is
displayed and a short gong
tone sounds, and headset
audio is restored when link
established. (NOTE: Press
ABRT line-select switch to
abort calling process). Call
initiator should make first
transmission. The system ter-
minates link and returns to
scan after a period of inactiv-
ity (30 seconds typical). GPS
position can also be trans-
mitted by using the steps
above plus the Transmit
Position Report steps.
Data Messages
The ARC-220 radio set can
store up to 10 transmit and
10 received data messages
up to 500 characters long
each. Received data mes-
sages are stored in memory
and can be retransmitted.