TM 1-1520-240-106-6-4 Figure 6-6-2. Maximum Package Size (Sheet 1 of 3)6-6-10. Concentrated Loads.Concentrated loads are those loads wherein the totalweight of the item is supported by a contact area that issmall compared to the size and weight of the load.6-6-11. Concentrated Load Limits.Concentrated loads can be loaded on the treadways andon the walkway. The treadways aft of station 160 andramp extensions are stressed for a total wheel load of2,500pounds. The treadways forward of station1 60 andthe walkway can be loaded to a total wheel load of 1,000pounds. Concentrated loads are not to exceed 75 psi forpneumatic tires or 50 psi for block or roller type wheels.NOTEThe above floor loading limitations apply tothe static weight of the item prior to applyingany restraint devises.NOTEThe minimum distance, in feet, between thecenters of any two adjacent concentratedloads is determined by totaling the adjacentloads and dividing by 1,000.6-6-12. Load limits.Vehicles exceeding the limitations may be loaded withthe use of shoring, provided that the vehicle weightsremain within the operating weight limits of the helicopter.In cases where the wheels of a vehicle cannot rest onboth treadways because of a narrow wheel tread, shor-ing must be used to spread the load over the treadways.General cargo must not exceed floor pressure of 300psf.An easy way to determine floor pressure of various loadsis to divide the weight of the load by the contact area (insquare inches or square feet).NOTELoad on pallets supported by the longitudinalbeams or skids resting on the floor can resultin concentrated loads at points where thebeam/skid rests on or crosses floor formers.The concentrated load can be determined bydividing the weight of the item by the numberof floor former/skid intersection points or bythe number of locations where the skid rests
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