TM 1-1520-240-106-6-7Figure 6-6-2. Maximum Package Size (Sheet 3 of 3)6-6-19. Cargo Loading Ramp.The ramp provides a means of quickly loading and un-loading troops and cargo. It can also be used to supportportions of a cargo load which exceeds the longitudinaldimensions of the cargo floor. When used for additionalcargo space, the ramp must be positioned so that theramp floor is level with the cargo floor. In this situation, theweight of the cargo item resting on the ramp must notexceed 3,000 pounds or 300 psf.6-6-20. Auxiliary Loading Ramps.Three auxiliary loading ramps are hinged to the aft endof the ramp (fig. 6-6-7). When the ramp is lowered, theseauxiliary ramps are unfolded to provide flush contact be-tween the ramp and the ground. The auxiliary loadingramps can be positioned to accommodate various vehi-cle tread widths or butted together to facilitate winchingof bulk cargo. When not in use, the auxiliary ramps arestowed in an inverted position on the floor of the ramp orremoved. One of the auxiliary loading ramps when at-tached to the ramp can also be used as a work platform.A collapsible support attached to the ramp bottom allowsthe ramp to be positioned at any convenient height whenused as a work platform.
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