TM 1-1520-240-106-6-6 face of the floor. The fittings are hinged so that they canbe seated in floor recesses when not in use.WARNINGThe 10,000-pound-capacity tiedown fit-tings must be screwed into the threadedreceptacles to full depth to achieve theirrated capacity.6-6-17. Ten Thousand-Pound-Capacity Tiedown Fit-tings.There are eight 10,000–pound-capacity tiedown fittingson the cargo compartment floor. Four fittings are inter-posed along both outboard rows of 5,000-pound-capac-ity fittings, spaced at intervals of 80 inches from station240 to station 480. These fittings are not always used andthey might be in the way when installed, therefor installonly when necessary. When they are to be used, thefittings are screwed into threaded receptacles, at thefitting locations. When the fittings are not being used,threaded plugs are screwed into the receptacles to pro-tect the thread in the receptacles.6-6-18. Cargo Loading Aids.The helicopter has a number of features to facilitate load-ing of cargo. Some of these features are parts of systemsand are permanently installed; others are equipmentwhich is stowed in the helicopter. The following para-graphs contain descriptions of items classed as loadingaids. Specific instructions for some of these items may befound in other parts of this manual and are referenced.
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